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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I want a John Howard vaccination.
  2. I have to say he's pulling it off well though o.O this will probably be his last run and then no more action smashing for sly
  3. I'd really invest in upgrading the brakes. Really. Actually no I'd 'make' him upgrade the braking package. I'm kinda worried now. Corey I'm twin-charging my sportivo and putting drum brakes on it NAAARRR HAR HARRR! o.O
  4. Oh really? Ah no biggy. I think I'll be jamming tonight anyway. If not? I'm thinking of reloading starcraft hahaha. Starcraft 2 looks nuts as well.
  5. Might start a picture series called "Where's Nelson?" Muahaha. Looking forward to pwning some noobs tonight. I outlasted a warlock one on one last night btw Phil. Kept going until his mana ran out (just trying to stay alive, not do damage), then I cornered him and beat him to death bahahaha. Revenge is a biatch. Thank *** for the bubble and anti-fear PvP trinket :D
  6. Nelson as a Warlock
  7. With that setup you'll pwn Jericho when it comes out Dave. ...oh and Phil check out this pic, perfect retaliation to someone spamming in 1337 speak LOL Bahaha
  8. start practicing some macro's man. My lvl70 epic bracers are in sight. 450g for +15 spellpower enchant though. LAME Cost will come down after next patch...sweeeeet. I have my contacts around SW o.O
  9. WOA! He just punched that dudes head off and then LITERALLY blew that other dude to gibs! :o
  10. Shao Signature Edition Sportivo is still being worked on down here. The uh...wingtips were 'optioned' out
  11. i love the qld spirit!!! Yep and so do we!!!! QUEENSLANDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way i'll be at game one on Wednesday for my birthday sitting in the front row with my brother Look for me on TV. I'll be the one trying to keep my brother from running onto the field in a half cut state :P "YOU'RE ALL MINE! MINNNNNEEE! YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE IN GOLF!!! Weston Creek / ACT pride FTMFW!!! In the ghettoooooo...IN THE GHETTOOOOOOO." - Nelson
  12. And it poetically ends with the standoff between King Buffalo and Queen Lion. Just another day in Africa? :o
  13. OH MY GOOOD. That keyboard is ****ed!!! EWWW! WTF?! Indeed.
  14. GG Deviliss. Looks shmick for a little echo. Good Northy *pat*
  16. Well I have P1's on my car now. Once it's all done I might represent under the name... ...Nelson Southy? Muahahahaha
  17. ??? No way Phil! Hamstring her and give her some DW action LAWWWL
  19. Not too big to concern me and the build / playing style I have. Spiritual Attunement and maybe the Hammer are the only things I was concerned about. As long as I have the core abilities I'm used to there I'll be all good. There are a few holy paladins who would no doubt be quite angered. In saying that...I'm way relieved LOL Note: The Retribution tree is actually recieving quite a large buff soon. Twill be interesting. Phil the Pallies have many survivable abilities that keep them alive for longer in a fire fight that's all dude. 2 bubbles, and lay on hands (restores full health insantly). If I have to bubble in a fight I'll do it I won't lie :whistle: PS: I've made a point recently of simply bubbling and going up to warlocks and dancing. I know I'm going to get owned so why not be cheeky lol.
  20. BAHA! WHAT A RETNOOB! Nah j/k It's dependant on the spec and build and also the ability of the player to know what they are doing really. Took me ages to nut out the different techniques for coro. Paladins require a lot of involvment and thought. What seal to use, what the judge with. Managing mana as well on top of that. After much practice I started tanking mobs as opposed to going them one at a time. In hellfire I was taking down around 3 - 4 hellboars when I was 60 in that same amount of time. When I was 69 and had all my decent gear I was tanking around 6 - 7 ethereals at the one time just outside Area 52 in an effort to level and get some drops (one of them being the Band of Dominance which I am wearing atm). When people say ret is better for paladins who level, I have to say that's incorrect lol. While they've downed 3 of them individually I've taken twice that.
  21. At the end of the day you have to do what you think is fun man. I re-spec'd to prot and then did some calcs to figure out how I could do some damage as well. I'm basically a tank that, when provoked really badly, can go very apesh!t and start dealing a lot of damage lol. It doesn't happen all the time, but when reckoning goes I pop all my spellpower trinkets and bonus abilities and just go to town on them lol. I was being sussed out last night by a priest because I was leading the damage meter by around 50k in Sethekk Halls o.O
  22. Hmm...instance wise DW you may prove to be very good with control. Rage is always up which not only means just hammering them, but hamstring and all your other movement impairing abilities. Additionally if you stuck with a group you'd be very handy in BG. You and a rogue or prot paladin would certainly hamper their mobility.
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