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Posts posted by Synthetic05

  1. Since i got my corolla, ive been thinking if i should modify it or not. At first i wasnt going to and i was going to get another car next year to modify. After talking to a few people im unsure what i should do.. is it really worth while for the sportivo?

  2. Im so annoyed.

    I was driving home along a main road, and some council worker was using a line trimmer to cut grass. Then suddenly a rock flies out and hits my car. I dont think it damaged anything. I pulled over and get out and look at him. Didnt even notice what i did or care what just happened. :l

  3. I think about this sometimes aswell. I would probably rather go to a newer looking petrol station because all the undeground tanks and the pumps are in better condition. Also there is generally more room to park without some idiot hitting my car. Like you said in your other topic about fuel which is on the busy road? Cause then the fuel might just get used up alot quicker and wont make a difference sitting in the underground tanks for long.

    I would say your car deserves the best, that might mean 3 cents more?

    Actually i need to go get fuel :lol:

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