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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. Glad to see so many peeps take up my idea :) ALLOR152 - it comes down to the speaker itself. are they actual car speakers or home theater ones? I ask because I have known people in the past find some great stuff at garage sales and wot not, they try and apply them to the car. This makes the audio gods upset and you will pay! And sorry the tweeter will not work if you change the woofer. If you miss out the tweeter, you are going to miss all your high end frequencies and rely on the woofer the drive everything. This is why the back set of speakers in my rolla need to change and sound hopeless without the fronts. Personally, I would build up cash and wait to get some half decent 6" splits. I not going to suggest ONE brand because every ones music taste is different. I can suggest a few to look for:) Hetrz Boston Acoustics German Maestro Focal Response - yes the jaycar brand! If you dont want to part with much cash but feel the need to spend money on it Clarion Alpine Kenwood But, at the end of the day it all come s down to personal preferences and dollars! Hope this Helps
  2. HT: Here are some stats on dynamat install 1. Its a bitch to fold easily 2. Strongly recommend the use of a artistic roller or plastic paint scraper to nail it all into place 3. Heaps of open space to play. A good mate with a double underground garage is the ultimate, but near enough is good enough on this one :) 4. One very quite weekend afternoon. It took about 6 hours all up from go to hoe! Instant differences: Much better bass response on stock stereo.....who da thought?!?!!? Road noise reduction. I think there are some areas where I could go better on this (wheel archers), but that said it did make a difference. Personal thoughts: If you just want a fairly cheap, easy upgrade to your stock stereo setup and you know you are going to keep your car, I can only suggest Dynamat and speaker upgrade......then worry about the rest. If any has questions, please ask ;) FYI, I will help people install this :)
  3. Phase 1 complete :) I didn't put all the pics in because there was no need too. Toyota and Pop Rivets make Pete sad :(
  4. it has been a while since i posted here but there is progress being made.........slowly this will be installed over this weekend. more pics to come
  5. Down thru the hills from the pie shop to the coast
  6. The Winners from the Show and Shine next to there majestic beasts :)
  7. I would like to make it very public that after the cruise today at our wind down BBQ, I was upset and somewhat annoyed that the people from out of state got left behind on the last leg of the cruise. What i didn't understand was why the locals didn't help them out and make sure everyone was ok. The first part of the morning was tame. the only unforeseen problem was an RBT. This could happen to anyone, anytime. But low and behold, we still bunched backup and all made to the mobil servo pretty much as one group. My hat now goes off to FI76RE for staying at the back of the pack from the mobil to the pie shop. Again, there were a few gaps generated going thru towns, but still everyone showed up within 10mins at the pie shop. Then going out the coast, we had our little mate with us that kept the peace within the group, but again, XOOM led the team thru the twisties and out the blowhole. I was last and made sure there was no-one that left behind. I sad to say, it all kinda went down hill from there. I getting calls from people asking "why are we going back towards jambaroo?". I was the last to leave the blowhole, yet on the highway heading back towards Sydney I see STYLISH is behind me.....WTF...... I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I just cant see why it was so hard to make sure the out of town guys are in the middle of the pack all the time and so them some courtesy. The big beef I have is why fellow members wouldn't let them merge!!!!! So if I loose mates over this post, so be it. I strongly suggest that people who want to act the they did today and not help there fellow TOCAU members out, shouldn't bother showing up to any cruises around Sydney. /my 2 cents
  8. Just quickly, If you are taking photos, can I please get a copy of all the RAW unedited photos. I take CDs, DVDs. I'll try to have a lappy with me tomorrow so I can copy all the photos to that.
  9. Awesome turn out at the show and shine. Great to see so many peeps A big thanks to the guests from toymods and jdmst. Big up for Castrol and Mothers for sponsoring the event. And who could forget Castle Hill Toyota for the location and awesome sunny day :)
  10. AWESOME TURNOUT! Pancakes did well, shame about the orange lights everywhere :blink: Still got some final prep then 6am start tomorrow. I suggest if you have a heater with a timer, USE IT :)
  11. spotted a very clean silver ZRE in south hurstville in an underground carpark. I did notice it didn't have the have a rear wiper :P
  12. The cruise will be all good terra-firma :) no humps, just take it easy is all that can be said really :)
  13. firstly, we Don't need an underground car park. IT WILL NOT RAIN. All this talk about doesn't help and last minute reactions dont help the new comes and the out of towners. Until further notice, the Friday meet will be the normal Villawood location. Either myself or mish may change that at a later time. This has already been discussed and will be posted by mid this week IF it rains. I might sound like a hard ar$e for saying it, but all the worry over something which can be simply fixed is just not worth it. On a positive note, the weather looks to be awesome high 10's to low 20's the whole time with high cloud and sunshine This will be good weather for our CRUISE Sunday. Suggestions for cruise: - all weather gear (just in case, lets not tempt it) - CB radios - Full Tank of Jungle Juice - Digital camerea Also, a request for someone to help with photos along the cruise route (prefer a DSLR user). PM for details.
  14. Guni, Let me know, i'm free all day friday. Just name the flight and time and i'll be there :)
  15. Firsty I would make sure it fits the current zre's in Australia. Reason being is the face looks like it might be too big for the current shape. It looks like it might fit the current shape auras in the uk. There dash is a lot bigger for the stereo. The ones in aus only take a double din with some spacers on the side. Also, judging by the picture, there are no mounting holes for the stereo. The aus ones have 4 screw holes ( 2 each side) of the stereo to lock it in. If the above check out, the wiring should be fairly easy. So you don't screw up you wiring, get an Toyota to oem connector which you can hack to bits rather than touch the stock wiring
  16. If your in sydney, I can help with the install. Send me a PM.
  17. 69.NIX


    sorry, but the 64 GB wi-fi for me is great. the cooking apps are pretty good and free if you know how to use a search function. Pocket tunes ($9.95) is great (web radio from here and around the world) All the good world newspapers Oh and lunch breaks, sit outside and watch youtube in the sun :yahoo: just awaiting the camera connection kit for the meet :) /my 2 cents
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