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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. everyone has a reason to be here.

    I know as blokes we joke about how the ladies should be in the kitchen making us pie and getting a cold beer after doing the mowing.

    HELL, its been fun with no mother around for 6weeks (she is OS atm). I love cooking, dont mind washing. my only problem is ironing!@!@!@@!@!@!@!@!@!@!

    SO yes, the female of the human form are vitial to everyones well being.

    ...........but I know, I'm a better cook! :o (in my house at least)

  2. Found on the Top Gear Website (www.bbc.co.uk/topgear)

    Filming of the next series of Top Gear has now been resumed. The start of the new series will be announced here in the coming weeks.

    This is great news for those hard-core TopGear Nuts in AU :D

  3. Hmm.. yagerbomb! **** i miss those uni parties! LOL

    I love my imported beer, nice to drink a nice Corona with a slice of lemon and chill out with mates at a bar/club/bbq.

    Corona, you call that beer!

    Most of the good beers come outta Germany / Czech Republic. Hell! even we make some good stuff!

    btw, for those in Sydney (and surrounds) i considering a beer sampling night soon, so keep ya ears to the ground!

  4. you do stupid stuff on the road in heavy traffic, you should pay a price

    I dont care on age/sex/yrs of driving

    There is a time and place for everything.

    I know I do some stupid stuff on the roads, but i dont go out of way to cause trouble, like cutting everyone off

    my 2 cents

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