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ebay king

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  1. Hi was wondering if anyone would know the sizes of the 2 round exhaust flange gaskets where the manifolds bolt to front section and also the size of the 1 round gasket where front section joins the middle section thanks
  2. Yeh well I was wondering what happened as it hard the worst case of blow by was coming out of everywhere oip pouring out the throttle body that's what my son said he was being silly and was reving it hard driving like a manual just hope the bore is OK
  3. Yeh it's been a long time between drinks for me as well last one I ever did was a 327 chev I had in an old 71 Hg Holden but the prices people are charging these days and my son had already bought the rebuild kit all I have to get is timing chain kit and water pump everything else is there plus there is so many gaskets and seals in the kit im going to try and replace everything it's a shame about the 3rd cat getting blocked I only found that out on YouTube was a bloke on there with the same trd supercharged aurion and he went through 4 motors in 12mths until toyota themselves found what was causing the damage I think they should be replacing the engine should maybe of been a recall
  4. OK thank you very much yea I've seen him on YouTube he is very good ive seen them take a 2grfe out of an Avalon from up the top and left the transmission in the car so I'm just about ready to pull it out and see
  5. Hi like to say hi to everyone my son bought a 07 trd aurion and came home on tow truck one night with the worst case of blow by ive ever seen to what I've finally found on YouTube that the 3rd cat could block causing major pressure build up so I've taken the third cat off and yes it was stuffed so just like to ask which way to get motor out have bought a full rebuild kit for it as I have now purchased the car from my son thanks
  6. hi guys just joined the forum my wifes got a 93 petrol tarago manual we run all our cars on 98 bp ultimate we bought the car about 3 years ago we were getting 550k's from a tank and no its dropped to around 350k's big drop had our mechanic look at it and found that the 02 sensers were shot so put new ones in but hasnt done a dam thing to it mine also has the black soot on the back door also the auto choke doesnt seem to work until i give it a rev or to after i start any idea on what might get the fuel consumption back waste of good 98 fuel im putting in it sorry forgot to mention its been like this for about a year now thinking of giving it to toyota but dont want to fork out to much cash to them when i could do it myself just want to know where to start looking
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