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About 6800rpm

  • Birthday 11/14/1984

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    Gordon, Sydney

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  1. Hiro Protagonist. ur correct i havent changed the compression. and your correct the poor 7a isnt running a blower. 100 octane gives me noticable throtal responce over 98...so the extra 2$ per tank isnt realy something im going to bitch and moan about. my exhaust smells different when i run it its all in fun man. the harder i rape my little car the happier i am. atm ive got the whole thing in 1000pieces in my garage
  2. ae102r 1997 1.8L best fuel consumption 650km/40L 100octane fuel. on freeway being gentle most of the time (only hit 200 once) worst is 300km/40L flooring it the whole way just before i lost my licence the other week 100octane fuel.
  3. silvabullit have u done this? or do u know someone who has done this. i found on another web site that a guy put one into a 82model rolla and he could not select reverse gear. is this likely to happen to me? and yer if i was so lucky to find a gear box with an lsd that would be mad.
  4. oh fuking sweet, if i was a chick id be wet over this topic right now. very good news. would it effect my final drive? atm 110km/hr is 3,200rpm in fith gear
  5. thanks alot rollamods, ive got a mate whos an importer, so ill ask him if he can get me one from japan. is their any way i can double check id be pretty cut if i went to put it in and something didnt line up. thanks alot, my box is pretty dead atm and im planning on going to the track in the next month, in its current state ill be dead in the water.
  6. yer mate thatd be great send me through his details, im off to wreckers tomoro too see whats around. how much did u pay for the work done on the 6 speed. ive been quoted $1700
  7. sounds good to me, always nice to see chicks that love cars, grass cutting ay;) sounds dirty i like it
  8. as much as id love to provide a dating service for u im inclind to decline sticking some poor girl in the back seat of my strolla. that is if my gf wonts to come, shes not much of a fan of cars, my mates are into their cars as well, they bought out a high octane dvd at a party and 3 of our gfs left. lol was funny at the time coz no one noticed.
  9. another question. do you guys normaly bring your gf's/ partners along to these club meets or are they left at home?
  10. ok sweet, so long as im not working ill be their.
  11. so what normaly happens on these meets"? is it about the driving or do we go and do something?
  12. 6800rpm


  13. thanks alot for all the reply, yer a year ago when i went looking for body parts i was told $150 for a second hand one. the only problem is that ill break that one and as we all know its not cheap to take the old one off and throw a new one on. on the other hand 150 box + 700$ clutch kit is still alot of money. maybe ill limit my agro gear changing ways;) how can a 20V gear box fit onto my old 16v 7A-FE motor. wouldnt the gear box mountings be different?
  14. well that sucks. yer i dont dead shift properly i do put my clutch in, but i smash it into second gear as hard as i possibly can, im surprised its lasted this long. 4th5th are fine, and i presume 1st is fine too. i dont supose u have the number for chasers do u? yer i got clutch problems too, :( im taking it easy atm. thanks for the reply
  15. gday guys. well it finaly happened ive destroyed my gear box racing a new astra sri. one narsty crunch too many over the last 18months has left second gear in abit of a mess to the point that anything over 4,000rpm in first leaves second gear engagments very rough at 6,800rpm it just sounds narsty even if i grany shift waiting for the syncos to line up... they are destroyed. i live on sydneys north shore, can anyone recomend a good jap car gear box repairer? ive been told by my mechanic not to expect anything under 1000$. if anyone has had any expereince in syd please post some web sites or phone number of palces u recomend or advise not to go to. thanks alot
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