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Posts posted by ASG14

  1. nahh seriously they are all great guys..........they never been rude or inappropriate in any way......

    Good point. We definately have to change that :P

    Agreed, this thread is less of a poll and more of a personals column. I'm struggling to write something that creatively describes myself..... might just go for Rob's idea of a pick-up line.

    I've had one friend use the pickup line, "Wanna ****?"..............And it worked.......

  2. HAHA! I need to come out that way one day, just can't afford the $1700USD plane ticket. :( I went to Spain to visit a freind back in March, and that $700 plane ticket KILLED me, to this day even. I have a couple friends in Aus, so it's more of a reason I need to come. :) ONE DAY!!!!

    Cant you find casual work. then work flat out for 2 or 3 months & ull be sorted!

    I know as soon as I have $$$, my car gets it, hahaha....ugh....car ownage to the max.

  3. helix? i think u mean hilux yea?

    serious only RWD?? that suckz!!

    hilux come with or without 4WD here...

    either way it looks like an rav4 on steroidz... nothing like our hilux.

    fkn love the look of the front end though!

    Yeah, I spelled it wrong, sorry. I'll post up some better pictures later. I'm in the airport going home now.

    It is only RWD cause it's main purpose is performance. :) The 18 inch rims are stock, and there is now a TRD S/C for it.

  4. I'd say do it yourself. Here in the US they sell color ,atched paint in spray cans. There, you can likely get it made to order.

    All I did was clean the hell out of them. then, the MOST important part, spray it with a PLASTIC PRIMER to help the bond. then I spraded the color matched paint. I thought it would come right off, but it hasn't. Storms, dirt, mud, rocks, nothing hurt it yet. Been about 6 months or so.



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