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Posts posted by Kevsta

  1. I also bought the corolla sportivo due to the bub and the added safety of having a late model car. The only problems with space that I have with it is not being able to fit a jogger pram in it and we have gotten by with a stroller.

    I'm planning on keeping the corolla as a track/hobby car...

    Congrats on the new bub !

  2. so finally, any of the above links should fit my car and install with minimal fuss?

    The TRD one in the second link will install, but you need an angle grinder to cut through one of the supplied brackets so that it can support the CAI tubing nearest to the pod filter.

    I can't comment on the other links as I don't have an injen.

  3. Unless you have a contact overseas you won't get a discount out of TRD here in Australia.

    Hell they only offer 5% for trade(businesses) if you place a big enough order..... :angry:

    i was gonna ask that too...

    coz few gb like this didnt work out...

    if you can get it for that price..

    then im interested!!

    im from sydney

    It sounds like he's getting them sent in pairs so perhaps the homework is done. If you can get them for $360 AUD, it's a bargain price.

  4. Ok sorry about the confusion guys. I spoke to Leslie and he has told me that whoever has deposted the money already and wants the S10 will receive the muffler once stock is in ie April. He also told me tht if you want the money back for now you can or just leave it with him.

    Ok with regards to the S12's and those whowant it asap. Leslie has told me that he has 5 payments so far for the S10's. He wants at least another 3 more to deposit the money so he can guarantee with he's supplier that he is bulk buying, and that he can give us the price of $150 for the S12.

    So Bitracer, since you want the S12 deposit him the money and 2 more will have to put money in too before he will get it off his supplier.

    Any more questions just ask me.

    Sorry guys, I have to pull out of this group buy. A remus is on the cards at the moment.

  5. ive only heard the term double clutch what is it and whats the point? ive only been driving manual for a couple of months.

    I'm no expert, but this is how I understand it.

    Here's an example. You're in 4th gear and want to go to 3rd gear. Press clutch in, shift gear to neutral & release clutch. Jab the throttle with the right foot, Press clutch in and shift to 3rd and release clutch.

    why not just press the clutch in and jab the throttle??

    I think they call that rev matching.

    Double clutching if done right reduces wear and tear on your clutch and synchros. A mate of mine is a master of double clutching and has gotten 170,000 K's out of the original clutch. He doesn't drive like a granny either.

  6. ive only heard the term double clutch what is it and whats the point? ive only been driving manual for a couple of months.

    I'm no expert, but this is how I understand it.

    Here's an example. You're in 4th gear and want to go to 3rd gear. Press clutch in, shift gear to neutral & release clutch. Jab the throttle with the right foot, Press clutch in and shift to 3rd and release clutch.

  7. Ok guys i got an e-mail from Leslie.

    Quoting Leslie "Hi Andrew, just check with supplier, they only have 2.5 inch left instock, alternatively S12 can be replace with extra $10. I try to push the supplier for the same price as S10 but they couldn't, this extra $10 is not for my profit is for the cost price."

    He also told me that there is only 3 S10's in stock. So what do you guys think of the S12 for an extra $10. Usually it's a considerable amount more than the S10.

    I'm waiting for a reply on when new stock will arrive. Let me know what you guys think!! I'll keep you posted.

    I ask them same thing and Leslie said they're expecting a new shipment of them in April - but wait for his confirmation.

    I'm prepared to wait for the S10 as everyone on here has written good reviews on it.

  8. I got the email as well but only want 2.25" s10 as I don't want the extra droney noise that strawberryface was talking about in his review of it on his sportivo. And the alternate S12 - ppl on ozhonda have said they sound tinny.

    I'm prepared to wait till April for when the suppliers get them in, but what are all the 1zzfe ppl going to do ?

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