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Everything posted by ozieagle

  1. I think this is normal, auto choke engaged when starting and comes off after the engine warms up. Giving gas resets the choke. Herb
  2. Hi Gary, I would suspect a clutch problem, like not fully disengaging. Maybe you aren't fully pushing it to the floor, or the system needs topping up or bleeding or both. Herb
  3. Just looked up carsales and there is only one, at $35,000. https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/1998-toyota-celica-sx-manual/SSE-AD-16667721/?Cr=0 Herb
  4. Hi, I don't have a clue, but what I do to find the value of a car, is to go to Carsales.com, enter the details and see what others are going for. Herb
  5. Hi Rob, Why not try a wrecker? They may have a unit from a wreck, which would be a direct replacement. Herb.
  6. I would think that the batteries are beyond their use by date. Change vendor and / or check the dates on the package. Herb
  7. Hi Stuart, Check around the wheel that went into the pot hole, it sounds like something gave there. Jack the car up to do it. Herb
  8. Hi, Just some general comments. 2500 km for 1/2 litre oil consumption. I've had cars where the manual said that 1 pint per 1000 miles is acceptable, that's roughly 3/4 l in 1600 km. The car was never that bad, but it gives an indication of "acceptable" consumption, maybe just a way around warrantee claims for high consumption. The PCV system should have an oil separator in it, somewhere, to condense any oil vapour to stop it being sucked into the engine and burnt. If this is gunged up oil consumption goes up. Additives. When I bought my 28 year HiAce van, with 275,000 km on the clock, the seller mentioned that it used a bit of oil. I was a bit worried about passing a roadworthy with this, because of "blowing smoke", so I added a "stop oil burning" additive to the oil. Not a drop has disappeared in 9 months. I don't know whether this is due to the additive or the seller didn't really know what she was talking about. It did use a lot of coolant, but this was due to a faulty radiator cap. At the next oil change I will try a thicker grade of oil, say 20W 50, which is a common grade, for classic vehicles. Herb
  9. Hi John, Sorry I can't answer specifics, as I'm a classic British car freak, and my answer was the sort of thing I would check in my cars. With a Corolla I would expect a fuel economy less that 10l/100km P.S. why I'm on this forum is that I have a 1995 Hi Ace camper. Herb
  10. My first thought was a fuel leak. Cracked hose(s), after the pump, or weeping joins. Herb
  11. Hi, Maybe this https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/266595552088?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=266595552088&targetid=1741701789258&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071399&poi=&campaignid=18278742238&mkgroupid=141565058112&rlsatarget=pla-1741701789258&abcId=9301725&merchantid=116300920&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ8eEhHVjJqxbP374VADr2u9qF3uYR9lWkLwMxRdwbw4i2vo3epkqfxoCq3YQAvD_BwE
  12. Hi Abu, Before you rip the head off, check your radiator cap. I had the same issue and a new cap solved it. Herb
  13. Sorry to be nasty, but bricks under jacks or to support the car, are extremely dangerous, as they can crumble leaving the jack / car without any support, so it drops, suddenly. There are many daisies coming up, from people who found this out the hard way. Use timber blocks, like 4x4 short post lengths. Herb
  14. Hi, Have you tried this mob? Genuine Japanese Car Part Imports - Amayama They seem to have just about anything for Jap cars and reasonable prices. Herb
  15. If the existing opening is double DIN, then any other double DIN will fit. DIN is a standard size. Depth may be an issue, though. Herb
  16. Bought this van back in May, and have been working on it to, one: get it roadworthy, and two: to refresh the interior. Here are some photos of how it went. When we got it every surface was covered with self adhesive floor tiles. Many were loose and some actually fell off when touched. Decided to replace most of them. Herb
  17. OK, I've had a better look at the existing plug, and it does look like a coax type, sorta. If it is then I fear you are stuffed, as the coax is used for the video and the DC power, but requires circuitry at each end to separate the video from the power, which the new head unit won't have. You might just have to use the new camera. Sorry. PS The colours I mentioned, previously were for a display unit that has two video inputs, which are one each of the white and yellow wires. Herb
  18. Hi, You could cut the ends of the cable off both and splice the new plug onto the old cable. From my experience there are 4 wires in there, red = power, black = ground, yellow and white = videos. Unfortunately Toyota most likely didn't stick with these colours. Also, in your last photo, one of the cables looks to be braided. Herb
  19. I've done this with my new MG ZS. Space saver translates to less costly, to make. Herb
  20. Hi, I feel your pain. It happened to me when I bought and drove my 1958 Wolseley home. Turned out to be a faulty battery connection. Herb
  21. Hi, Check the exhaust system, to see if a hanger has failed and the pipes are hitting the body, somewhere. Herb
  22. Have you checked the plug and wiring to the speakers? Herb
  23. Welll, the first thing you need to do is to join a club, and they will guide you through the process. Herb
  24. Two things to check. Coolant, it could be a faulty radiator cap. I had a faulty one in my recently purchased HiAce. New one solved my coolant loss. Oil leak, check the oil filter for damage. Daughter had her ASX serviced, came home with a trail of oil, like you. Turned out that the oil filter was tightened with what looked like a pipe wrench, which put a dint in it, that then cracked and sprayed oil. Good luck. Herb
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