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The Levinator

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Everything posted by The Levinator

  1. No I wouldn't. Would you? Clearly you've misunderstood my question. I've never had a car that had so much range left in the tank after the fuel light has come on and as I do a lot of country driving, I wanted to make sure that I'd been given the right info about her fuel capacity. My other toyotas have both had around half this amount left when the light came on. I know it's likely. I was hoping some one around here would know for sure.
  2. Hi everyone. The topic title says it all, really. If I top up when the fuel light comes on, I can put in only 40 litres. But the spec I've seen on-line is 55 litres. So firstly, does my car really have a 55 litre tank? And if so, why would the fuel light come on with 200 km of range left? Cheers... PS: my first post, and my first corolla!
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