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  1. Legend. Thanks for sharing. What bulb did you end up putting in?
  2. This thread pops in at below top 40 most viewed discussion topics. Can’t be good for the brand image. I know if was at Toyota, I would have jumped on board much sooner to help a customer out and keep a positive image. 🙂 Maybe a lesson to them?
  3. Well done. That’s a fantastic result and one you deserve after all the work you put in. Congratulations and thank you for paving the way for people who get fobbed by Toyota for an issue that the company should ultimately own and take responsibility for. Unfortunately this has shown how much the company actually does care for its customer and I know I won’t be buying another just out of principle.
  4. You would think they would want to resolve the issue fairly cleanly, and with the impression they put their customers first. Toyota is their brand and customers. If they treat their customers like they are ignorant fools, surely this will taint their reputation and leave a bitter taste in the mouths of their customers? People have long memories and negative press nowadays lasts forever.
  5. If it was a fault of my own, I would own it. This peeling paint issue is a fault of theirs and they don't want to be responsible. Come on Toyota do the right thing. Why should your customers wear the cost of a defect? In what universe is this conscionable? If they just did the right thing by their customers, they wouldn't have this negative press, they wouldn't have Facebook groups organising class actions, they wouldn't have the exposure of Channel 9's ACA and drive.com.au. Makes you wonder? Honestly this is such poor form. Toyota has lost my respect. Oh what a feeling!
  6. Exactly. What did Toyota Australia say? I think it is really poor form. They say they look after their customers and in this instance where the fault is a manufacturing one, regardless of warranty, the paint was going to prematurely flake no matter how well you looked after the car. A manufacturing defect is a defect, and it’s not in good faith that they reject claims under the guise of ‘outside of warranty’.
  7. Thank you. I appreciate what you have done to date. The fact you share what you are learning shows good character. Yes I have sent all my concerns via email only at this point.
  8. Two days difference. This makes me sad. 2012 Toyota Corolla Sport 070 paint code.
  9. Thank you and good luck. Bless you for all your information. I will be emailing Toyota Australia tonight.
  10. I’d be happy to supply you with pictures if that would help your case. Class action sounds expensive and quite daunting. It is so damn frustrating. I only got the car last October and the peeling gets worse every week.
  11. Best of luck. I had my car looked over by the local Toyota Dealership last week. !00% decline responsibility. Past it's warranty period. Really! So next step is to email Head Office, then I'm not sure. ACCC? Funny thing is the day before the appointment I saw the exact same car as mine. Same peeling issues. I took pictures. Service guy was not interested.
  12. Hey guys, I have recently developed the same issue on a Corolla 2013. Paint code 070. Did anyone get a resolution? I don’t want to have to pay for a manufacturing defect.
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