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Posts posted by Aimee_B

  1. give me vodka and red bull anyday...YUMMmmmY....

    but ive got a bad habit to of drinking softdrink and no water :( but on a hot day ill take as much water as i can get... B)

    oh and rob if water is all u had then of course ud be skinny ;) i did the same once with carrots and my skin went orange.... :blink:

  2. woman r so undepreciated, all u guys think we want to cook and clean then serve u....u dont think all we want is passion and lust....:P

    plus a guy to help out every once and a while with the chores...:(

  3. *sigh* i need a holliday.....somewere warm and relaxing :) id go hang-gliding, absailing, rafting, waterskiing, jet-skiing u name it. lol then id come home broke and happy :P

    whats everybodys dream holliday?

    i want to travel australia-then the world, getting to know the locals and having fun non stop

    -PINAPPLE! i read an old wives tale that if u say PINAPPLE when u have the hiccups, it causes the muscle to contract/relax-stopping the hiccups-WEIRD

  4. yeh CSI is good, but i cant stand those american laywer shows, just cant seem to relate to them.... ill watch sex and the city thou if nothing else is on.

    but about the laughing in the background- dam annoying, but i still love everybody loves raymound..

    one theing i can stand - REPEATS!

    lol and rob, :P to you....

  5. fine..ill go first....

    coke for me - cause pepsi just doesnt tast right although ill drink it.

    scarlett johanson as i thinks shes has a "real body" unlike some other actors...

    i love friends as the story line just seems to be a bit better and some better looking actors (kremers hair? wtf? :P )

    i would say sex on the first date, but i havnt been on alota dates....:P

    i like jocks more for my own big reason...;)

    and as for undies - all depends on the mood and the outfit :)

  6. hey ppl, thought id get the ball rolling - its a matter of which u like better : -

    coke or pepsi?

    paris hilton or scarlett johanson?

    sienfield or friends?

    sex on the first date or not?

    boxers or jocks?

    g-string or bikini style undies?

  7. lol it has been abit slow on here latly....happy belated bday mish! 26 is not old! when u past 30 then ur old.... as for my underwear im in white lace g-string, "innocent" color they say...lol as if :P

  8. my boyfriend owns a 02 lancer, and is looking for a nice sports exhuast to up the grunt volume. lol

    any ideas were we could find one? somthing good for cheap if possible, ummm i have a A1 racing exhaust on mine and for a 1.3 it sounds awsome, so somthing like that would be perfect

    thanks all!

  9. lol i luv the fact that the advertising under this page is all warcraft related

    - by the way its my birthday today - my bf so far hasnt got me a thing-and wont come out to a family dinner with me because he HAS to play warcraft 2nite. fu*king addiction.....

  10. hmm mines weird, at long distances ill get 600kms to a 30ltr tanks yet round the town ill be lucky to get 500kms. but in my old V8 VL commodore - u put ur foot down and the fuel gauges moves.....im looking into getting GAS fitted to mine, with this tax benifit thing i can get a "spare tyre" gas cylinder fitted for only $2,000 then i get a rebate...

  11. i could add alot to this post, but youtube is now being sued for copyright breches etc and all the good stuff has been removed :(

    but this looked good

  12. lol ur a tauren thats y theres so much walking - if u go human or night elf u lvl fast and explore more-intersting worlds. im bout to hit my first lvl 60 charactor this week. im soon to be on holidays for a week and a half and hope not to play warcraft anymore than i have to.

    if u want to talk about addicts then my bf and his mates are the worst-they never go out anymore or exercise. allo they talk about is WARCRAFT

    one was a serial pub/clubber now he doesnt go out and even chucks sickies from work to play.

    another was an alcoholic/smoker - now sits inside and smokes all day drinking play WoW.

    and my bf - a brillant ballroom dancer turned addict - plays at least 7hrs EVERY night then 16+hrs on a weekend. doesnt go out anymore, does no chores or anything and is just basiclly driving me crazy.

    stupid game....yet ill still play it...

  13. What do I know about sex? I'm a married man." --Tom Clancy

    "I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy." --Steve Martin

    "Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as meaningless experiences go, it's pretty damned good." --Woody Allen

    "Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." --Unknown

    "My cousin is an agoraphobic homosexual, which makes it kind of hard for him to come out of the closet." --Bill Kelly

    "Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportant." --Henry Miller

    "The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that *** doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision." --Lynn Lavner

    "There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible." --P. J. O'Rourke

    "As the French say, there are three sexes--men, women and clergymen." --Rev. Sydney Smith

    "Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night." --Woody Allen

    "I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty." --George Burns

    "It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married." --Matt Barry

    "You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither." --Drew Carey

    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease." --Unknown

    "Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast." --Woody Allen

    "Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." --George Burns

    "If it weren't for pickpockets, I'd have no sex life at all." --Rodney Dangerfield

  14. hahaha azza so u like a french accent?

    vivre la vie est d'apprécier la vie - pour aimer la vie comme son votre bout - ce jour, cette heure où cette seconde est son bout et se rappelle aux alwys rendent sa majeure partie le rire journalier, aiment chaque nuit.

    la merde se produit

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