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Posts posted by Aimee_B

  1. absolutly LOVE this car, what you done is fantastic. were did u get the rear wing & how did u fit it? ive been trying to get one for ages and i now hav a GT sort but just dont know how to fit it.

    love the front bumper;) looks kinda familiar..... great paint job & luv the decals, were did u find them too?

    lol as a fellow sera owner congrats on a great job. :yahoo:

    by the way what engine are u running under there??

  2. yes he was sitting down lol

    Un type aveugle sur un tabouret de barre crie au barman, "veulent entendre une plaisanterie de blonde?" Dans une voix faite calmer, le type à côté de lui dit, "avant que vous disiez cette plaisanterie, vous devrait savoir quelque chose." Notre barmaid EST blonde, le videur est blonde. Je suis un 6'grand, ceinture noire de 200 livres. Le type s'asseyant à côté de moi est 6'2 ", pèse 225, et il est un joueur de rugby. Le fella vers votre droite est 6'5 "poussant 300 et il est un lutteur. Chacun des USA est blonde. Pensez cela, Monsieur. Faites-vous néanmoins veulent dire cette plaisanterie?" Le type aveugle dit, "Nah, pas si je vais devoir l'expliquer cinq fois."

    Amour de HAHAHA i qui plaisantent !


  3. *YAWN* is the day over yet?

    Q. has anybody ever fallen asleep in the bath/shower? :blink:

    ...my bf did dismorning and was late to work...HEHEHEHEHE :P

    then again to be fair i used to always fall alseep in the bath at my old place-i had a spa/bath & unlimited hot water...VERY relaxing :whistling:


  4. well cars booked in for its tint on wens, paint job to fix all the chips and peels and interiour to be redone right after. also throughing in a full make over for me 2 for the up coming show & shine in 2 weeks:P

    ill post some pics up soon

  5. man this chats dead.......im about to go hit up the painter who resprayed my car for a redo cause its all peeling down the sides :(

    MUST be ready in time for the show.....MUST!

    whats everybody got planned for the weekend?

    also what do u guys think of the MIO brand GPS? i found a cute palm one for $500 just wondering if there any good...

  6. lol i was rolling up a coupla meters of rubber i got, and relised there was battery acid all over them and the ute tray-it was so strong it had cleaned the tray back to its original sparkling aluminum colour-almost chromish. i do alota heavy lifting at my work ;) but i dont mind asking the boys for help when i feel lazy....

    MMmmmm PizZa for dinnner....YUUUMMMYY!

  7. lol thanks for the info - luckliy it was diluted abit since being in the back of the ute in the rain, but i got the stuff all over my clothes and hands (i used gloves to begin with, but took them off for the fidly work)

    hands started tingling soon after, and clothes will deterioate shortly (strong ****!) but i washed most of it off-just had a go at the idoits who left it there....made me feel a bit better...:)

  8. yeh darkest as possible ;)

    AGH!! i just got battery ACID ALL over ME! bloody lazy ppl dont take batterys off utes...then it rains and u cant tell its acid till its to late and its all over u...GRRrrrr

  9. meh i used the "slept in" excuse dismorning to be late to work...although i wasnt sleeping...just having some morning fun;)

    no i havnt got ur myspace - what is it?

    well im off home, nite all!

    come on one more....before i go....

  10. HAHAHA what HAVE i missed...lol ive been to busy commenting on everything else :P

    by the way if anybodys up in newy this sunday drop by the forshore to see the truck show! 5 of my companies new trucks are in it! u can miss em' BRIGHT GREEN scania,western star, kenworth, mac & international transtar!

  11. can u beleive google bought out youtube for 1.6 billion dollars!

    hows that for an idea to make u money - set up site+get ppl to add funny clips=mulltimillon profit with minumum work

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