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Everything posted by Aimee_B

  1. went to the autosalon on sun, im definetly putting my car in next time - just gotta get the interiour done
  2. well ppl im heading to newy tomrow to run over the coast again, check out the routes ;) oh and drop in on the autosalon of course :P ill post up some pics to if u guys r insterested
  3. after... i was lucky enough to had insurance to cover the respray of the car - they even covered the new bumper!(thanks NRMA) i got new number plates which out of luck match my name (kinda) and now im saving for a tint job. i hope to enter my car into some shows soon, but i want to get the interiour redone first and im thinking of doing a starlet GT manual conversion but that way ahead in the future.... although ive had this car for under 2yrs now and weve been through alot together lol hope u like the pics ;) oh yeh i almost forgot - i had the alarm system first replaced when i bought it, but this got taken out and THROWN OUT by some stupid a s s electricians at BURLYS AUTO ELEC in SINGLETON (BEWARE!) and then made ME pay for another alarm PLUS the installation of iT! never the less i am still contemplating taking it to court as it has never been the same and set me back $400 that being an apprentice i just didnt have :( so BEWARE!
  4. this was the start... when i first bought the car it had no cooling fan, no suspension, no rear parcel shelf, no ac & the water pump was buggered - to top it off the wiring harness of the overdrive switch was so screwed i had to press it together to change over. (this eventually burn itself out somhow and cost me a bit to rewire) i got these fixed then moved onto the next stage... middle.... i finally got the parcel shelf remade, the boot struts regassed, replace LH side electric window motor & auto gear sitck (MOMO carbon fiber) i then added the front bumper to the bodykit (the side skirts came with teh car) and the day i got it back the mesh blew out from under (my number plate going with it:( ) and then the next night some a s s h o l e keyed/screwdrivered the whole RH side plus bonnet and new bumper of my car!
  5. ahhh "tats" it is then lol. mine used to be aim' the dame' never knew y, but i guess it just rymed.
  6. lol u gotta luv nick names, thou i never had one i wasnt embaressed by.....whats everybodys worst/best nicknames?
  7. errr... drugs r bad -OkA?..... lol southpark i luv that call
  8. lol im EXCITED cant wait to meet u all, should be a good day. so is anybody besides me coming from maitland way? or is everybody syd?
  9. i drink at least 2-5 cokes a day lol, i never really finish them as i hate it when there warm :( but i hav far to much caffine - im up every nite till 1am lol
  10. afternoon all, one more day till the weekend - cant wait! has anybody seen the site with the toyota short shifter assembly? it comes with the houseing and everything so it fits perfectly into were a auto used to be
  11. i like law, hope to study it one day - always handy to know when ur gettin screwed over buy sombody....
  12. i cant wait till summer, i love the heat - u can finally get out and do things like swimming and walking :P ohhhh autosalon in newy this weekend.... anybody coming up?
  13. y complaining so much fun - beats work lol ive got a A1 Racing exhaust, lol and its as big as i can fit - makes a mean growl thou for size of my engine
  14. dont u hate it how its ALWAYS rains after u wash/wax ur car? lol my bf has hecs fees yet he still got $1245 back :(
  15. dam....i just got my tax done....and i actually owe money....:( ive never owed money before - stupid 2-3rd jobs they didnt tax me enough...:( hows everybody elses nite going? better than my broke ***** one
  16. hahaha good to hear rob, so everybody had a good nite then? i just feel asleep in front of the tv and hero of bf carried me up the stairs to bed - how sweet is that!
  17. morning all, ive just rocked up to work - late as usual. how was eveybodys nite?
  18. love that quote mish! and i agree with the need for everybody to want to party - sow the oats as they say lol - i was one of the worse, id be out everynite sneak in round 6am, we dont have clubs in my town yet the oubs will let u in if u cause no trouble (this was when i was under age:P ) ill have to go out in syd one day - too big a place for me. as long as i hav a few friends and a coupla drinks im happy by the way i agree, being a starfish in bed is SO boring lol but there are plenty of ways to change that....
  19. yeh i hadnt been in years so i forgot what it was like - then the cracking started lol i never thought i could crack so much in one go:P still i think massge therapy is better anyday...
  20. morning all, strange thing happend yesterday - i went to the chriopractor yesterday (back was playing up causing headaches & nausia) and he did his usual bone cracking technic. then all day i was full of energy - till 2 am and i still couldnt fall asleep! so i just used it on my bf.....:P
  21. ohhh what car show is that? is it the muscle cars again? the foreshore will be packed! :D
  22. im am far too awake for this time in the morning and i got up at 6!
  23. i agree with the meeting at redhead beach first, seeing as we have such a large group. although im coming form the oppisite - i dont know the way from syd up the coast to redhead, it probally is a quicker way then following the road all the way to the end of the hwy. least from redhead we can discuss were everyone wants to go next.
  24. this is pretty much the whole directions from the end of the hwy to redhead beach - the way im goin and the way i thought we were going originally - at end of the hwy, take the right exit on the first round about - this leads onto john renshaw drive then onto new england hwy - follow this through hexham and into newcastle (the rd is also called old maitland rd) - follow this rd for a good 15min, ull go through heaps of traffic lights and round abouts, following the coast round - turn left at honey suckle drive, follow this onto workshop way (around the big buildings) then onto wharf rd (this is the foreshore) - to get to red head follow this road straight ahead- - tun left again onto watt st, - right onto ordance st, - left onto reserve rd, - merges into bingle st then high st (all left turns) NOTE: i dont take Shortland Esplanade cause its usually packed and the other way is blocked - then merges to the right onto memorial drive - then merges left into helen st - left at the round about onto fredrick st - this merges into senic drive and ends at the pasifc hwy - follow pasific hwy till kahibah rd - turn left at kahibah rd (into mereweather) - merges into wallsend st - then left onto burwood st/rd - follow to the end and left onto dudley rd - turn right onto redhead rd - then left into steel st - and finally left again at beach rd you should now be able to see the beach and the big car park - this is redhead beach i know this sounds complicated but truely it isnt. all u have to do is follow one road, turning left occasionlly. origanally everyone was going to meet at the macdonalds in hexham to get our bearing then id lead everyone through this area to the beach. im still happy to do that if need be. also if u look up wharf rd, newcastle on www.whereis.com.au and just follow it all the way round u can understand what im talking about.
  25. right... so which way r we going because now im confused....we keep changing directions.... in the begining everyone was goin to follow the hwy to the end and come out at newcastle/hexham then cruize throught to the forshore, round the coast and then to redhead - but then due to the large group it was changed to following the coastal hwy up (completly differnt way) and meet first at redhead beach, then cruise were-ever everybody agrees. so whats actually happening? :S
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