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Everything posted by Aimee_B

  1. lol i luv chatting on the CB, iv only got a little weak handle head one these dayz thou. just a thought for everyone travelling up to redhead after lunch we hav a coupla choices of were to cruize next - after we follow through mereweather hieghts senic route (follows the coast past rich ppl houses into newcastle) - follow the coast round to the forshore and just cruise round there (its a sunday so it will be packed with everyone esle wanting to show off there cars - usuallly commodores so it will be good to flood it full of toyotas) -we could then go over the bridge to stockton beach, u just follow the coast round to were the ferry wharf is and theres a big carpark ripe for photo taking. another option is heading to charlestown square for some retail therapy lol either way is a pretty staight cruise - sticks to one windy long road - lots of spots to pull over and take great pics - plus if the weathers nice even pop in for a swim on the beach (goodluck with that) any other ideas are welcomed:)
  2. lol it doesnt matter as long as u service it :P dam one more post then 10k!
  3. cat empire?!? were? when?!? lol id love to go!
  4. congats to them both :D
  5. yeh i bought the new dvd one thats all up-to-date, for my bf birthday - havnt played it yet but it looks good. too nice a day to be inside:( least its nearly the weekend! goin to a party in newcastle 2nite should be a good nite:P whats everyone else doing for there weekend?
  6. i recon u guys should drop in for a round of trival persuit - dvd style LOL how are we all today? im just loving this weather
  7. ohhh new gf....good to hear:)
  8. morning all how are we? went to the eastern creek drags last nite - didnt get home till 3am...good night...*YAWN*
  9. i know the feeling, to beutiful a day to be inside....dam paperwork:(
  10. if u look up on google theres site made for these kinds of events - really good fun.
  11. mmmm i have krispy kremes........yummy
  12. everybody done there census 2nite? how exciting....lol
  13. dont drink coffee, dont like hot drinks but ill drink HEAPS of COKE :P morning all how are we? i just found out ive been overdue for my full license - going for it on Monday! wish me luck :)
  14. i found it really annoy cause of the unfinished ending, im just downloading click now... im high on caffine again:P
  15. hey all, finally got my copy of pirates of the carribean 2 to work :) dam good movie
  16. jeans for genes day tomorow, should be interesting...
  17. wtf? ropes?!? and here i was thinking ive seen it all. worst i seen is a guy at my work stuck his finger in the hole he was guiding a sheave throught then the thing slipped and took his finger off..... found a great clip today on www.youtube.com - the counterweight off a tower crane fell onto a the car next to the guy filming. sad yet amazing - sorry caffine kicking in...all hypo here...
  18. lol gday all - onlly 2 1/2 hrs to go. and mini skirts with knee high ugg boots - comfort with style :P
  19. lol morning all YAH! QUEEN!!!
  20. im with the nrma, and mines costs me a bomb. but when my car got serverly keyed i could claim it no problems - they even repainted the new bumper i just hade fitted at no extra cost - my car has all the extras that i dont think i hav insured, plus the car is underinsured at the monent (too costly otherwise) but NRMA has been really good to me. ive got road service and everything so when a friend broke down in QLD i was able to tranfer my account over to them to help them out -long story - but NRMA is really good. has anybody dealt with JUST CARS? how do they find them?
  21. sorry i didnt answer on msn b4 guys, yes there are toilets, there is also a RSL up the rd, a chinese store, fish & chips shop etc all round. theres also a major surf club next to the carpark in redhead, ill look into if we can get in there or somthing. mish did u want me to put those pics up i sent u?
  22. its so veryyy quiet on here...
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