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Posts posted by BLKRLA

  1. My mate at work drove that car and was pretty disappointed with the lack of low-end power. He owns an Astra Turbo incidently.

    So Darren's driven the Supercharged T Sport ?

    Yes at Higashi-Fuji, as well as the Echo Turbo.


    Just wondering how your friend was able to drive a Supercharged T-Sport Corolla in Japan if they were only availbale in Europe????

    Also I believe but could be wrong but the Compressor T-Sport has 230NM of Torque compared to the Astra's 250NM, not a huge difference.

    Many people including Journo's have said the Sportivo lacks bottom end, yet no one says this about the 1zz motors & they have less torque than the Stivo. I also think this comment is blown out or proportion because when you a driving your car hard the Rev's will be high not low & this is were the 2zz comes into its own.

  2. But the Ford XR5 is very tempting, and the rap it got on "TOP GEAR" uk show is excellent. Chassis by Mazda, Engine by Volvo, the rest by Ford.

    And it also handles like a corolla could only ever dream about. How was it on Top Gear when the bloody thing had so much grip and chasis rigidity that it was lifting wheels as he through it around. Have to wait to see the price though! Replacing the family car SP23 with it has crossed my mind a couple of times!

    Approximately $37k + onroad as quoted in Motor Magazine and Melbourne City Ford when I asked them. Confirmed pricing at 9Feb Melbourne Motor Show when its officially launched.

    I have a friend who is a Fleet Manager for Ford & he told me that there have been reliablity issue with the Focus in general & he also said that they aren't selling very well. Maybe this might change with the introduction of the XR5. Ford are hoping for alot from this vehicle as the last performance Focus was a flop even though Motor Journo's raved about it.

    Top Gear is a great show but very biased. Remember that the Focus is the biggest selling small car in the U.K.

    If you alrrady have an SP23 than maybe you should consider the new Turbo AWD version. This would be a great car if Mazda end up bring it to Australia.

  3. Kool. hey im bringin a mate who drive an astra SRI 2.2L. It goes well ive been in it and we have choped a 2zz celica 3 or 4 times. Id like to see how a stivo goes up agaist it.

    Hey SyxXPaC,

    I got rid of my Astra SRI to buy my Sportivo. I had my Astra for 3 years from new & did 60 000km's in it so I feel I've had good experience to form an opinion on these cars.

    Nice to look at.

    I hope your mate shows up at the meet, it would be good to talk to him about his experience with car

  4. Whats a SCION??

    SCION is a range of Toyota vehicles distributed currenlty in the USA only, they are marketed towards the 18-30 yr old age group. Try logging on to Toyota USA website

    They are hugely popular with TUNER's over there with whole cars shows dedicated to just SCION. There is 2 door coupe in the range that runs the 2.4 litre from the Camry.

    WARNING - They are strange looking cars in standard form but the Americans love em & I have seen many modded examples that are pretty cool.

  5. But what extractors do people think are good for a 1ZZ-fe??? Some of the extractors for the 1ZZ-fe arnt really that much better than standard for example the hurricane hedders and the quality isnt that great either!!!

    Hey Sunny

    In my experience Extractors don't do much

    Years ago myself & a friend both owned 92 Corolla GTi's. Both Cars had tha same exhaust but my friend had TRD extractors. Many times we would line up at the lights and 90% of the time my car would pull away even though my friend was a far better driver than me (weekend club racer - AE86 with heavliy worked 20V motor, car absolutly flew, but thats a story for another day). This has lead me to believe the amount of money it cost to buy them is not worth the gain. Another thing I didn't like was that it changed the sound of the exhaust. It went from a nice bass full tone to a real tinny sound.

    I suppose a polised set does "LOOK" good in the engine bay.

    It would be interesting to know if anyone out there can prove this wrong by a dyno comparison

  6. so toyota are not bringing out another sprts model? How boring! <_<

    That's right, soon there will be no more Celica or MR-S either. As well as this there will be no more V6 Camry when the new model arrive's shortly, only the 2.4 Litre 4 Cylinder that is currenlty availble. The V6 will be used in the Avalon & RAV4 only when the new models arrive later in the year. This means that Toyota will have nothing even remotely sporty for some time. I have heard rumor that the 2.4 will fit in the new model but this is only a rumor.

    If you drive past the Toyota Australia Office in Sydney you can see in the showroom that they have some "SCION" models on display. Maybe, just maybe they might start producing these in right hand drive for our market but I doubt it. Once again this is probably to expensive.

    So much for shedding their "CARDIGAN" image.

    If I could only afford the IS250, now that's a sexy looking machine. B) B)

  7. Aus stop bringing the Sportivo because it no longer pass the new 2006 emission test. The 1ZZ-FE engine has to de-tune to 93kW in order to pass the new standard.

    This is not true, I work at TMCA and the news is that the other rollas wern't selling as expected

    due to the high sales of the Sportivo over the last 3 yrs. There will be a new Sportivo released

    in Aus but theres no word on when, I'll keep yas informed.

    I have been told that this is TRUE by my Dad who also works for TMCA. The Sportivo will not be available in any market except for Japan as it does not meet EURO III emision standards which come into effect this year.

    Toyota are not willing to spend the money on the re-devlopment of the 2zz motor to meet the new standards as the Celica will be scratched also & therefore demand does not justify the expense.

    To say that the other Rolla's haven't met sales expectations is incorrect. Perhaps you should take a look at the figures for the last year of car sales & you will see that the Corolla is the NUMBER ONE selling Toyota in the country, Sportivo's are only a very small portion of these sales. How can being NUMBER ONE not meet their expectation considering Toyota had their biggest year ever in this country.

    TOYOTA SALES FOR 2005 - 202817 NEW CARS, with the Corolla being the number one selling vehicle for Toyota, 46415 for the year. Thats an average of 3868 Corolla's a month. I don't have the figures in front of me but less than 100 of these a month would be Sportivo's.

    Also, there are no plans for a new Sportivo at present, If the decision is made to introduce a new sports Corolla & give it a Sportivo nameplate it will not have a 2zz powerplant.

    Also, for anyone that thinks we will get the Compressor, they are wrong. 250 were made in total for the European market only & I'd say they would have sold by now. Even if there were more available, which there isn't I doubt Toyota would bring them in as historically speaking Toyota in Australia have had very little sucess with Supercharged/Turbo vehicles.

  8. Yeah well bro just be very careful i have heard nothing but nightmare stories and had first hand experience with the shop in question in terms of quality and knowledge!!!!!!! <_< :angry: :o :( :blink: Lets just leave it at that!!!!!

    I agree with you RUNX, every person I know who has purchased rims through TEMPE has done so because they are trying to save money but they have ended up with trouble. All their rims are copies made in China out of melted down frying pans & they will fit anything to anything without concern for legality issues.

  9. Sorry northy i respect you because ur usually spot on with this stuff, but your wrong here.

    If u look back in history. Whenever a car gets a national recall and then production stops 2 years after the resale value goes down drmatically, I mean comon you can tell the build quality difference between the sportivo and levin just buy opening the doors. Another issue is, Try finding parts for the stivo in 4-5 years time. I mean i go tnothing agaist the stivo. I have one in the family and i love the engine. BUt thats about it.

    Toyota Australia hold parts for 10 years which is Australian law, so ther will be no problem getting parts for a while yet.

    Also I have owned 2 Japanese Levins & 2 Sportivo's & as far as build quality is concerned the Levin wins hands down. Having said that a standard Levin does not compare with a Sportivo for drivabilty & I'm sorry but I dont care how much work has been done to any Levin without a Turbo it will not keep up with a Sportivo. It's like comparing a RX Impreza with a WRX.

    As far as the booster body kit goes, dont bother it looks like a K-MART kit, don't mean to offend but seriously. Try looking at the GIALLA kit or C-ONE, so much more stylish.

    Also a limited number of Sportivo's does not increase the value of the car, this vehicle is not a collector's item & will be forgotten by most people with the next couple of years.

  10. Has neone installed a vvti controller to a 11z if so what were the results and is it worth it???

    Also how much r they ?? where can i get one i live in castle hill NSW :)

    Cheers :D

    There was a story in Autosalon car mag with dyno figures after fitting. I can scan it for you if want to read it.


    that would be great man if it is all possibe :)

    Come to one of our monthly meets. There you will meet "RUNX" who owns the car you are talking about. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it.

  11. black rolla has one and it sounds neat!

    Thanks CORZZA, its not a very loud system but it has a nice note which is exactly what I was looking for. I was impressed the system you have put on your Rolla. I think it sounds awesome.

    It would be great to get a permanent thread going that was just sundbites or videos of various different exhaust. This would help anyone who was looking at buying one.

  12. For anyone that wants to know.

    My father who works for Toyota Australia has just taken delivery of his new Corolla Sportivo that has come out of the last batch of Corolla Sportivo's to land in the country. The total number that came into the country in this shipment was 300. This quantitiy will be distributed around the country with most going to Sydney & Melbourne. I would say that most of these are available as he as only recived his in last few weeks.

    He has also told me that it is highly unlikey that we will get the compressor version in this Country as there were only 250 distrubuted worldwide & to his knowledge no more will be made.

    those 250 units were sold only the in the UK

    I'm mean't to say the U.K. only, my bad. But what I said about the 300 units of normal Sportivo's is true. Corolla's in general are selling very well at the moment but I'm sure that there would still be some Sportivo's left & I'm sure Dealers would not want to hang onto them as they are plated 05 not 06. One funny thing about it is that everyone of them had there gear knob stolen while they were on the wharf. What kind of stupid person steals a gear knob that probably only fits on a handful of cars anyway. Goodluck trying to sell them.

    250 Compressor Units to the U.K. and.....

    :D Compressor also sold in Germany. http://de.toyota.ch/about/news/about_news_...ssor_050114.asp

    :D and in the Neatherlands. http://www.toyota.nl/nieuws/nieuws_09.asp ; http://www.toyota.nl/showroom/corolla/comp...essor/index.asp

    ..............and other parts of Europe.

    I appreciate the information

    Either way we will never see it here & that's the point I was trying to make as some people thnk that we will.

  13. Yeah, but what is better for Drivability and overall power?

    CES Exhaust or Muffler? Muffler $800.00 mark from memory, CES about $1100.00 correct?

    Anyone tried the CES exhaust with the Remus muffler?

    All Remus Muffler's come complete with a flange that is designed to suit the standard piping for each specific car. CES use custom mandrel bent piping with a larger diameter than standard. having said that the pipe on the Sportivo models is 2.25" which is very large for a standard car with 1.8L engine hence why most of the pwer gain comes from using a free flow muffler. CES use 2.5" as far as know so it is only a tine bit larger than standard, I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wrong.

    Remus Muffler expect to pay upwards of $850 fitted.

    CES expect to pay $1100 for cat back system fitted.

  14. Is that the meet in villawood??

    That was the only meet that i could find

    Thats right, we meet at McDonalds at Villawood, usually on the last Saturday night of each month but keep an eye on that particuar thread for any changes. Hopefully you can come along & meet the fella's. :D :D

  15. Whats CES? Does the header make a noticable differance? Also, i need to try and sort out the handling, first on my list is a front upper strut bar, I want to go to the Nurburgring later this year so i'm trying to find a goos coil over package! I dont know if you have heard of TEIN or KW as i'm trying to get one of the other but due to my car being Grandads choice its taking a lot of digging!

    Styling wise i'm after a suble street sleeper look, my car is thunder grey with black 17's with a polished lip, apart fron this and a set of Euro rear lenses she's standard! Does anybody know if there are any projector style head lamp available yet? The ones with dark inserts as i thonk these would look the nads!

    Cheers all...........keep on modding


    CES stands for Custom Exhaust Systems which is the name of a campany that has it head office here in the state of Queensland. They have been proven many times to give some gain in HP. If you wanted one you would have to ship it over. If you do a search onb CES I'm sure you will find were someone has posted a link to there site along with many user comments. Also, I don't think headers are available through them as yet but I think they are working on a design.

    There are many different types of Coilover units available that will fit the Corolla. I believe some people have TEIN's but they are very expensive. Another good brand that several people are using is CUSCO. Spend some time looking in the Garage if you want a better idea of different brands that are available. There is a member on the Forum, goes by the title "DANZ". I think he has just had some coilovers fittted. Try sending him a PM as he seems to have a lot of knowledge on Suspension Tuning as well as other topics.

    Also, there are no projector headlights available for the Corolla, except for the American Version. You can get the JDM style headlights that have a black tint in the lense. Try looking on the C-ONE website, they have some decent pictures.

    Sorry to hear about the problems you have had with your Remus. My Father has had a system fitted to his GEN3 V8 for almost 4 years without any kinds of problems. He lives across the road from the beach but has had no problems with rust. Mind you his car spends a lot of time in the Garage.

  16. Pic as promised soz no sound not that digitally inclined . ie no recorderpost-593-1138097832_thumb.jpg

    Is that the square tip Remus or another brand?

    It seems to sit very close to your bumper, you might want to keep an eye on that as heat in the ehaust tip could damage it

    Pic as promised soz no sound not that digitally inclined . ie no recorderpost-593-1138097832_thumb.jpg

    Is that the square tip Remus or another brand?

    It seems to sit very close to your bumper, you might want to keep an eye on that as heat in the ehaust tip could damage it

    Never mind I had a look At the Remus website & there are pictures on there of your system. The system on the Sportivo sits lower.

    Are you happy with it?

    I think mine's great, love the sound & the look

  17. Apart from looks you get an mp3 player in the facelift models along with changed clutch cables, heavier gear knob, auto mode for all 4 electric windows and better quality leather. The finish is better.

    Apart from the looks, its all the same as lucio has mentioned. The finish/quality is better....., well the finish/quality is the same as I noticed, results very from car to car, no matter pre or post facelift.

    Actually the heavier gear knob was done by the recall (along with the clutch cables), as it was done on mine.

    So either way you go, pre or post facelift, you can't go wrong dude.

    I own a pre-facelift stivo, no rattles, no issues, excellent stock power and economy (ask any Melbourne who knows my car) and would only upgrade it if the Compressor gets released in Australia.

    I agree.

    There are 4 Sportivo's in my family, 2 x 04's & 2 x 05's & there is no difference with the build quality. There are only 2 extra features on the 05 model, Auto up & down for all four windows & a MP3 CD player. Personally I like the silver finish in the interior on the 04 better than the fake Carbon Fibre or whatever it is in the 05, although having said that it is easy to scratch the silver on the 04. Also I have weighed the gear knob's out of curiosity as I had never heard about this, they are both the same weight.

    As far as Tyre's go I think alot of people stay with standard until they are worn out or upgrade to a 17" wheel with a 215/45/17 as I have done. Having said that there would be no problem with fitting a 205/50/16 to the standard rim if you wanted to, I'm sure this would give you reasonable improvement in grip levels

  18. Well guys thats a grand total of 3 of us!!! :P :lol: Come boys we havnt had a meet for ages!!! Ok justin we have all decided that you can bring your new commo along!!! :P I say we just make this one an open meet anyone with any car just come along it will make things more interesting that way so bring ya mates along wat ever they drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ^_^

    You know I'll be there :D :D

  19. For anyone that wants to know.

    My father who works for Toyota Australia has just taken delivery of his new Corolla Sportivo that has come out of the last batch of Corolla Sportivo's to land in the country. The total number that came into the country in this shipment was 300. This quantitiy will be distributed around the country with most going to Sydney & Melbourne. I would say that most of these are available as he as only recived his in last few weeks.

    He has also told me that it is highly unlikey that we will get the compressor version in this Country as there were only 250 distrubuted worldwide & to his knowledge no more will be made.

    those 250 units were sold only the in the UK

    I'm mean't to say the U.K. only, my bad. But what I said about the 300 units of normal Sportivo's is true. Corolla's in general are selling very well at the moment but I'm sure that there would still be some Sportivo's left & I'm sure Dealers would not want to hang onto them as they are plated 05 not 06. One funny thing about it is that everyone of them had there gear knob stolen while they were on the wharf. What kind of stupid person steals a gear knob that probably only fits on a handful of cars anyway. Goodluck trying to sell them.

  20. Hey there, I was really hoping you guys "down under" could help a whinging pomme (sorry for the sterotype)! I have a 2003 Corolla 2zz engine, and the tuning for it here is absolute pants! I looked on your site and you have some great looking rolla's......I need help in sourcing bits n bobs, the only thing available thats not custom made is a k&n forced induction kit and a set of fast road pads. I really want a free flow manifold and possibly a cat back exhaust but over here all we have is a TTE back box, the remus one and to be honest it ain't that good!! Any help would be awesome.....thanks for reading this!

    Chris :P

    Nothing wrong with Remus, I have one fitted to Corolla Sportivo which is the same as your T-Sport, although the sysyem isn't loud it does sound great. The best thing in my opinion is that there is no cabin drone at cruising speeds. Have you had experience with a Remus sysytem before? If you like check out the photos in the current post "Remus Exhaust", hopefully I will have sound bite up by the weekend.

  21. Ok all you modified 'rollas where are the sound bites ??

    My friend was saying that the 'rolla exhaust system is good enough and that all the gains are in the muffler. He was looking at a magnaflow(Or is it magma?) muffler - they any good ?

    Bring on the pics and sounds plz !!

    Oh I forgot - Very nice choice with the Remus unit, the muffler looks good would love to see what that looks like on the 'rolla


    Here some photo's of my Remus Muffler, I will try & post a sound bite over the next couple of days




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