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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. i dont get any of that... guess i should go to more filo parties... PARTY AT MICHELLES!!!
  2. right thats it... michael explained the situation... jase if i wasnt relying on you to get me a nice job, i would come over there and kick you square in the nuts...
  3. such a high quality post there HAHAHA you're so lame jason!!
  4. thats lovely... why was i 2 min noodles?
  5. yeah cos you joke now... then you cant have kids cos your man is stuffed up... (except mish, cos she's got like 20 kids already)
  6. ive done an advanced driving course (got an A- , which i didnt think was too bad for someone who had been driving for about 3 months on their Ps)... and its saved my life a few times already... well maybe not my life,(ive never been in that situation) but its been the difference betwen stopping clear of someone, or tapping the car in front in the wet... i reckon the government should spend less money and energy in trying to slow P platers and putting useless rules in that can be easily avoided, and just educate us kids with some advanced driving courses! cost a ****load, sure... but if they want the votes, i think itll look pretty good when you give all those new 18 year old voters a driving day... :P
  7. ill be attending the toymods dyno day on the 2nd of july, so we'll see what its got... and the drags on the 14th of June too... lets hope it performs well... i dont have the stock extractors anymore- i left em at the exhaust shop. i might head back down there this arvo and grab them from them, if i can be bothered...
  8. geez man... you should probably get that checked out... (what a community we are here)
  9. i hate P platers who reckon they are king of the road... i think im a pretty good driver, but i never go outside my limits... not even close! sure, i give it a bit of a fang every now and then, but i never weave in and out of traffic, i know im not experienced enough yet... but ive had 1 mate write a car off, and i can probably think of another 7 or 8 who have had minor accidents... thank *** noone has been killed yet that i know... damn P platers (im so over being one... 2 years to go)
  10. that was worth the wait! NSW represent!! (we got the fastest 1zz's too )
  11. ok got a new one - tonight, at soccer training... we were doing some drill where someone kicks from a fair way out, into the box, and we gotta try and sorta head it in over the goalie, who was trying to charge out and get the ball first... anyway a ball came in too low, and one of the guys has just hammered it at the goals as its gone past... its gone straight off the post and scored one of the other guys in the nads... he was down in about .03 of a second...
  12. quickly! someone close this thread before another **** storm happens...
  13. haha... this is going nowhere...
  14. card (nah man, she's got some party, and im a leader at my youth group, and we're going to some place for dinner)
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