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Everything posted by sketra

  1. Well hopefully ill get my corolla ready for next year.... but maybe not be ready in time.
  2. bhahahahaha well i cant help you there.....
  3. hahah thats acctully quiet a disturbing photo of me well for me haha but yeah hopefully ill have fun
  4. its to show off the cars style not the performance on burnouts.... geez it sounds like to me your better off in a commo......
  5. Its no the newest but my hair is short now... darn mother cut it too short....
  6. hahahah well ok ill give you un update of what i lewk like now.... hold up a moment
  7. They dont to burnouts at auto salon..... theres dyno's but thatz about it... its nothing special......
  8. mmh no... sorry they dont.......
  9. look ive been so worked up ive had sum1 accuse me of stealing a ring of theres..... fruck i dont even like wearing rings nad also its a gold ring and im allergic to gold..... GARRR and also ive been so busy on getting my business work done.
  10. yes well it comes accross to me as rudeness....... gosh might i just maybe say that some of you guys are just as bad as the boys on perth WRX.
  11. Excuse me! that is intirely rude thankyou...... you are one of those men with no friggin heart to care or be ciivlized to be nice....
  12. bhahahahahaha sea moose you just made my day...... I salute you to that...... My mate says a WRC blue........ i just have no idea....
  13. Hmm well my mate was going to take his skyline is but i dont think he is going cause he want me for a model too.... haha.... but mmmh my friend is with me too so.... hmmm but yeah last time i was at the auto salon my eye was having spazo twitches and it bloody sucked.... i think my body was handling to much bass... *shrugs*
  14. Well I'm being a model for my friend who is bringing his subaru fiori sound car and his VP commodore. So who is going to Auto Salon this year? Would be good seeing some hot **** Toyota's hanging around!
  15. Should have put it in members rides doll :P So what exactly are you doing to it? Im painting it! but no certain what colour, the boy sez skyline blue or silver and i say maybe a nice metallic black. Whats your thoughts
  16. Bahahaha hopefully you didnt think of me stripping bhahahaha no no.. im going on about my car, sketra..... my binarch.
  17. What the hell? You haven't heard of Family Guy? Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! ahhhh yes..... i thought that was it but had to double check.... haha my bf is always saying that...
  18. Stage 2 is almost super lows..... and thanks ill see if there is any!
  19. OK im getting lowering spring in my car very soon and well i was wondering if anyone can get me springs cheaper then $250 for the whole set.... I have a mate who will be installing them for me then ill be going for my wheel alignment. Anyhow!!! Does anyone know of a cheaper place...... and i want to go with stage 2...... or does anyone have ones they want to sell me for lesser?
  20. Hahaha you got to put the clear coat over the top to get it to shine and not that can stuff either... afterwards you have to give it a good cut and polish!
  21. haha i know corolla's never die..... and i dont want mine to die......
  22. Well let me just add now that he owns a VT series 2 commo..... haha he loves it better then the rolla cause of more power..... haha anyhow
  23. Yup, im my own little backyard panel beater.... and imma chick too so thats another score! haha anywho i thought ild post on how it has come along.... still got to sand down more of the fender... david says its still to high.... *Shrugs* but yeah this is pretty my all my own work... on my car... haha im a smart pants.... and ooh i im doing the spray painting too... wow aint i amazing...
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