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Everything posted by sketra

  1. Thanks Jase....... yeah well im going to see what cans be done tomorrow XD
  2. Leroy, you are just jelious.... and yeah, i know not many people give one shiart about horses but i do so go tighten your nutts in a vice.
  3. OOOH k then?? everything of my threads go off topic dont they
  4. OOh baby, send that aurion my way...... GRREOW!
  5. Yup agreed, unless its just imperfections...... hehehhe
  6. Its fake... its to gown darn straight to be on your arm there rob.... and it too grey and to clean around the edges to be a tattoo, i can tell fakies.....
  7. Hahahaha me? Kids? bhahahaha i dont wont kids until like like 25..... so ive got, what? 7 years before i decided.... haha
  8. LMFAO...... x-power.... like every other guy on the planet
  9. Ill be right i know what i want!
  10. Mmmh well it doesnt seem to be so oh well im not stressing
  11. Haha well i recently had to go through a very painful abdominal pain which left my arms and hands spasmed and also my legs where slightly spasmed. Also I swore at the triage nurse cause she was so friggon ditzy and crap, oh my, i would have shot her in the head if i wasnt it so much pain. So i recon going through a tat will be easy... and yes ill be defently re sizing... i think my might just stick to the Text.... YUP!!
  12. This was when i did have a horse... and was taken by a mate of mine. Back in the showing days.
  13. OK i just added myself...... ok ill kinda give my little intro if no1 knows me... Im Sara im 18, i live in WA aaand um i did gymnastics asa kid so im still fexi to some extent lol.... Um oh and im single but ive got my eyes on a guy at this current point.....
  14. yeah i didnt see if before.... my bad.... ooooh well...... i might just stick with the text and no horse head... but ill show you the results after its done..... Oh ive hurd mixed things about how much pain it can be..... is it just how pain tolerant you are and where abouts on your body?
  15. This tattoo means so much to me as it was my first horse who died..... and presence felt was his race name and the dates are when he was born and died..... Oh and its not going to be that big.....
  16. oh please do mind the awfull photo of me..... *hides*
  17. Yup yup, I'm starting on my tattoo!! That is a photoshopped pic of what it would basicly kinda look like..... alll designed by me by the way. Ill be just getting the text at this point and then later on the horse head will be added..... so what do you guys think... ill post pics once its on me.
  18. thanks ill let my mate know.... well it makes a nasty noise and i think he said cuz its hitting the exhaust maybe... not sure.... but yeah.... will let him know! thanks muchly
  19. oooh k im just so going not to talk now.....
  20. My mates outback is having tail shaft issues and he is wondering any places that deal with tail shafts..... if you can let me know any in perth that be so helpfully!
  21. lol nah there was..... his name is simon lord and he thinks he is top ****
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