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Everything posted by sketra

  1. Kenneth you better watch it boy or i might end up kicking your ***** boy. And well if anyone really wants me to go let me know.
  2. Im not dumb *****...... alright.... stop being a harsh little person and go stick you head upp your ring hole
  3. Thanks Steve, well i just hope all goes well...... but we will just have to wait and see...
  4. jeremy u over presumptuated that you had to pick me up from here lol lovely.... and seano was about right ild take a train or sumtin.... anyhow dont worry ill just bum at home
  5. AAAh yup, ill be myself......
  6. OOh Jeremy, can i ask you a favor, can i go with you i want to go but have no car.......and no licence..... well ive got the car but its so not good atm...... what ya say!? PLEEEEEZE
  7. Well we will just have to wait and find out!
  8. Well my audition at perth is on the 26th of June.... and i dont know if they will be telecasting but the auditions go from 1pm till 7pm..... But if you look in you TV magazine just look around if you find the TV show saying perth auditions.... but ill try and let you guys know cause if i get in im not aloud to speak to no one on the outside world..... which is going to be really hard... unless the produces say i can....
  9. Yeah ok so its only an audition but who cares i just hope i make it into sydney.... and acctully get in..... EEK. and oh well if its in the wrong section i was to excited.
  10. Yup its going to be on Channel 7 and its called "Make me a Super Model"..... and im auditioning for it....... and i just hope im some what half good looking for a tryout..... EEEK im so excited!!!!! wish me luck!
  11. ok when ever not having a good moment getting bitchy....
  12. no **** idea what needle he used
  13. Yes i know who did it, his name is Cole and he is from mandurah tattoo studio
  14. aaah, ok then...... well good on yah cuz i dont wanna see pics either.... and meh..... im sore :(
  15. ooh ur going on about the who PA... lol gikki.. i dont like them at all!
  16. Yeah i do like it alot Mopp and yes he took 30 mins to design and 30 to tat it on me.... im impressed....
  17. Um not until i can get a price and the money together
  18. Yeah well it was an option.....
  19. hahahahaha..... i want to get the horizontal eyebrow peircing just above the eyebrow itself....
  20. Eww nice one..... Nah im sticking to the normal piercings
  21. Yeah well i have my tongue and belly done. Belly hurt the seconds time due to having a hernia..... so they had to take the neddle through slowly..... OWIES!!!!
  22. hahaha well im fit as a fiddle..... and i only did it for 2 years...... and if gymnasts didnt have the proper protein thats just ******..... but my physcio lady said that my legerments where built to be flexi and i can double joint some bits of my body...... but anyhow..... its all on the way your body is brought up....
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