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Everything posted by Leeder

  1. I would like to know exactly what version 14 has to offer over V13. Unlike most computer software, there is no trial or demo version to try. I am particularly disappointed with the speed limitations (important to estimate approximate ETA's) and, in my experience, often the quickest route is not the quickest at all.
  2. Totally agree. I have an 'old' Garmin 276C which is basically a marine unit but which can also accomodate Garmin City Navigator Australia software which is far superior to Toyota software in just about every way you care to imagine and which I can interface with my laptop. Why not the Toyota software (USB memory or cable)? This would not be an expensive option
  3. The Toyota Kluger sales broshure clearly specifies, under 'Instruments and Controls' compass as one of the Grande Model features in addition to KX-S model. It is referenced in the Kluger Ownre's Manual on page 274 if equipped. Should it not be equipped as per the sales broshure? Am I misreading something here?
  4. You will be able to get the full map if you use DVD+R DL (single sided double layer 8.5 GB disk)
  5. Thank you for your reply. I have had the front sensors fitted just under two weeks after delivery of the new car but no manual was supplied. Recently, they did not activate (had them switched on) when test parking which was a little disappointing. Did you have similar experience/s?. Will ask Toyota to supply the manual and meantime will test as per the page you kindly posted.
  6. Hi Mikeboy, Which manual? The pages you posted are not in the manuals supplied with the new car. Is this the Toyota Workshop Manual? Attached are a couple of relevent pages from the manual.
  7. Leeder

    RTA eTag

    The e Tag we have on our new Kluger is the slim version mounted on the passenger side, top left hand corner of the windscreen. It looks good, seems ideal place and it works perfectly well.
  8. Taka - what software did you use to copy the DVD?
  9. Castr10 - Thank you for your informative feedback
  10. Hello to All I am disappointed with the Toyota Whereis 13 version versus Garmin's City Navigator Australia 2007 both of which use the Whereis mapping software. Garmin is far more precise in estimating arrival times (almost to within 2 minutes) and always, without fail, selects the shortest or quickest way which was not my experience with Toyota's V13. I cannot see why the settings for travel time are so conservative, Maximums are Residential 40km, Main Street 90 kms and Freeways 120 kms. What are main streets - highways? if so 90 is too slow. In NT the legal speeds are 130km? There are other issuses most of which have been raised by members in this form. Has anybody upgraded to V14 and if so, could we have some feedback please? Regards Mark P.S. New to this forum, Grande AWD, purchased 23/1/08, fully optioned with nudge bar, front parking sensors (my wife insisted), towbar, side steps, matts and cargo matt. Almost exclusively used on long country trips including night time which brakes my heart when I see the shiny new car covered with bugs of all kinds. There are one or two minor issues otherwise very pleased and happy with the car. I am ex Nissan Patrol, 1991 petrol/lpg so the contrast from one to the other is astonishing
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