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Everything posted by Mybowlcut

  1. Hahaha I knew that mine would look funny with all of the other cars... but seeing it in the middle is even funnier hahaha. Pretty good meet apart from the fact that I got completely lost! Haha.
  2. Is it worth me coming if I have a 26 year old car? I have a feeling everyone's gonna have newish Toyotas... I know I already asked this but yeah... wanna know if anyone else is bringing an older model Toyota.
  3. Nah angelo was going fast haha and it was like 1pm.
  4. Probably Ken! :P Just so you know there is a thread for you to post sigthings Spotted - WA Ahhh.. I swear I looked around but I couldn't see anything.i wsnt on tonkin today brotha :) .. mite be ron... pm me the number plate or smething :P Oh ok.. it's cool that I can just come on here and chances are it'll be someone from these forums haha.
  5. I saw a white Toyota today on tonkin hwy (Perth, WA) going south and it was going hell fast... sounded pretty beasty so I was just wondering if it was anyones on here? I don't know what model it is but it was white... I can remember the first four license plate digits but I don't think that's something I should discuss on here haha...
  6. Yes around lunch on Saturday that will be perfect for me and I think a lot of other people. My car will look a bit out of place.. Please be other old toyotas...
  7. Hey. This is my first post on these forums.. I'm usually on rollaclub but the WA section over there is less active... I'm keen for a cruise as I've never been on one before. I work friday nights 5.30 - 10.30 and saturday nights 6.30 - 9. Pretty bad hours but I'm still interested in coming...
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