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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. Ok... Peer pressure is a MF, so I been lookin at wheels. Looked at 19 inch Buddy Club P1 Racing II, but I still don't mind the Blest Type D 18s that I have now. I still think the ride height is the problem.

    i had the buddy clubs on my trd. great rim and looks awesome on the trd (in my opinion!).

    999 Automotive is where i got mine from. cheapest place i found at the time. plus, they're in brisbane. :)

  2. These roles will be taken up by more efficient organisation structure.


    and in english this means that the remaining staff will be forced to work harder for the same money.

    redundancies never work in favour of the remaining staff.. the workload doesnt just automatically disappear, its still there and the people left have to deal with it...


  3. your attention to detail is amazing... i woulda seen the dust and said "meh" and put the piece back on. :lol:

    i'm assuming there wont be any lift kits/ etc going on considering you actually need to get stuff outta the tray?

    congrats again on the new car. :)

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