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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. Lol. Thanks for letting me know about your d!ick. :lol:

    How much faster? Dunno to be honest, but it feels a sh!t load faster.

    Put it this way. Daryl's TRD (sorry for using you as a comparison Daryl) does a 13.3sec 1/4mile. This is the fastest I've ever heard of one going down the 1/4mile.

    Stock xr6t's do high 12s down the 1/4mile.

    I think the TRD would own it around corners though.

    Do I miss my TRD? Ummm, not really to be honest.

    As childish as this sounds, one of the reasons I changed was because I raced a G6ET one day and got really embarrassed. Lol

    So I went looking for the F6 or the R8, but after driving the F6, the HSV didn't drive as nicely. So I went to buy an f6 and the sales guy talked me in to the xr6t. Lol

    The 'bolt on' mods available (another reason for selling the TRD) for this car is amazing. For everything you want to do, there are at least two options for you.

    Spend 10k and walk away with 360-400kw at the wheels. Crazy!

    Edit: I thought I'd just add that, yes, the build quality probably isn't the best, but comparing the amount of times my TRD was in the workshop and how many times this has been in there, it's about even.

    Oh, and a side note... Massive LOL at my iPad changing HSV to to HIV automatically!!! Hahahaha

  2. i know what you're saying, but if you sell it because you are over stressing about having a nice car, you WILL regret it...

    i've often thought about getting a pos just so i could go anywhere and park anywhere without worrying about the damage that might happen to my car... but i love nice cars too much! :)

  3. :lol: i was just joking... :D

    for the record, my trd was at toyota just as many times as the xr6 has been at ford... ;)

    at least my ford hasnt become a swimming pool (yet!) :P

    either way................. TIME FOR A CHANGE!!! :D

    get something turbo and rwd... ie, fun! :D

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