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    Toyota Corolla Runx Z (2ZZ-GE)

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  1. It's not much different looking. The black stuff is no longer used and have added better quality connectors for the temp sensor. What do you use instead of the black stuff?
  2. no worries my friend - glad you got it, having some fun now i bet? is the harness you got the same as the ozzy harness as our euro pinout is different i think? well we have different features....... i've changed my screenname on 9thgen to "Pocket Rocket" - same name as my upcoming sideline. get some pics up overthere............................ Yeah I got the aussie harness since dave said he made the harness off the jdm model anyway. The pfc i had was loaded with a MWR N/A map and the car sounded pretty good especially with the piper cams but I haven't had a chance to REALLY drive with the pfc yet. As for the euro ecu you might just have some features enabled that we don't have but the pinouts are probably the same. Dave said he saw some extra wires on my ecu pics that I posted that he didn't have on his but we figured they were just unused features. As soon as I get a little time I will post up pics on 9thgen...post grad studies are killing me right now along with work :)
  3. Thanks SD Hi Everyone, Just wanted the forum to know that DAVE is the MAN!!! Everything works using his adapter harness ...A/C, temperature gauge it all works on my jdm model runx z. He was very prompt in all his correspondence with me and all jdm model runx z's and fielder z's can purchase this harness without question. Thanks once again Dave! sweet - that was you on 9thgen? SD - did you confirm the euro ecu pinout was the same as the JDM variants? Yeah I have the same screen name on 9thgen as well. Thanks for letting me know what was going on here with SD's harness
  4. Thanks SD Hi Everyone, Just wanted the forum to know that DAVE is the MAN!!! Everything works using his adapter harness ...A/C, temperature gauge it all works on my jdm model runx z. He was very prompt in all his correspondence with me and all jdm model runx z's and fielder z's can purchase this harness without question. Thanks once again Dave!
  5. I can have another one made up in about a week. So quicker than it takes to get the PowerFC from Japan. As Suprathai said, it comes with a base map, but who knows what it's a base for... Dave, These pics are the best I could do in trying to show the rows of wires on the ecu connectors hope it helps
  6. my jdm manual runx uses a 4 plug ecu Here are the ecu pics from my version Dave. There are actually 5 plug outlets but 4 are in use.
  7. my jdm manual runx uses a 4 plug ecu
  8. SD I have the japanese corolla runx that carries the same ZZE123 chassis so it should work for me. I would have to pay by paypal and get a shipping quote to Barbados. I want the 600.00 one could you let me know how much that would be as well as the address to send the funds from paypal
  9. When do I get details on how to order this harness?
  10. Hey guys My experience was similar to xoom's in that I started out fully building for NA power. CAI, mahle pistons, piper stage 2 cams, port and polish head, flat face valves, valve springs, titanium retainers etc. I was satisfied for a while with the cams addressing some of the torque that lacked in the lower revs but i still longed for F/I and that is the route I am going now. Back on topic though a few guys here in Barbados have the trd pistons and they run ok and offer some improvement on the stock ecu but bear in mind I do think we get resonable octane gas here (~93) and with high compression the quality of gas is an issue. P.S Cams were my best NA mod in terms of performance parts
  11. Yes. $600 with working temp gauge $480 without working temp gauge Only have one together at the moment as I am waiting on parts that seem to have gone missing <_< Had to get some loaner bits to finish the first one off as I got sick of wasting time. This is great news. I am from Barbados in the caribbean and we have been waiting for a complete harness for our cars for quite a while. A few questions tho what currency is that price 600.00 AUS or USD and what are the details for payment. Lets just say we are pretty eager about this new development :) .
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