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Fortunate car crash.. bye bye Stvo

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good to know that you are safe.. i must say thats a pretty big jump :S over the gutter..

stay happy! everything is going to be just fine!

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Does everyone else feel pains/aching in the stomach and balls when they see pictures like this or is it just me?

You got out unscathed, looks like you are due to give charity or make a donation @ my place of worship. I know I would.

S15's are awesome, I heard workshops didn't import these because they were released in Aus? For that money, you could buy one from here anyway yeah?

If you were in Melbourne I'd say go to http://www.rawimports.com/ they brought over my 180sx and was the first through that workshop. Cost me 13.5k for a '97 180sx Type-X on 90,000km's including compliance. Look anywhere else these sell for 16k+

Be safe brother!

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