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it all depends how much QUALITY means to u

haha..if u got to tint a car..they`re cheap yeah..but those idiots didnt clean my windows properly..n tinted the dirt inside my screen..no wonder even after the few hundred products i tried..nth removed it..becos its in between the tint and the window...

im pretty sure jemal wont do that

i agree completly!!!! i had a nasty tint experience... .BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!

so im definatley up for paying for quality... AND if we get a group together, paybe a sticker or two? we could hopefully entice a little LUUUUVVVVV (i.e discount) hehehe

ok Jeremy, you rock... you made me giggle in 8:40am after a big night! thats hard to do! i'd love to think how many times you washed it before working it out! lol

:P i washed it about 6 times i think

went to google stuff..

i was despo..till i tried some shiat someone told me :P vinegar + water xD

:( maybe not the bright-est eh?

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