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Aurion ECU


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hey fellas

well ova easter me and the family decided to go away for easter interstate.

before i left i deatiled my car inside and out she got the works.

while we were away we entrusted my fiances sister to look after the cat and check on the cars everyday (very cautious since my quads got flogged).

while we were away we had a fone call saying sauce bottles had been thrown at both our cars and both cars had sauce all ova them and smashed glass around them (i was ****** just with that) so she asked if we could tell her were the keys were to move them and wash them for us missus thought no worries and told her that was the last we heard of it all.

we get home now and need to go get some shopping we go to get in my car and the battery is that flat that not even the security led was flashin or it wouldnt unlock.

further investigation found me seeing all the rear view mirrors moved, seat right forward (shes a short *****) and upon opening the boot found my twin 12'' subs and box upside down and the wiring pull out from the connectors (now im really ******).

so we rang her and asked if they had driven it "oh no wasnt me i just moved them to wash them" thats a lie because my missus car was still filthy from the dust etc and had spider webs from the ground to wheels and mine was a little dusty too.

the other thing i noticed was the handbrake was on which i never use and there was a substantle amount of oil sprayed up around the front guards and not the rears or any where else on the car even the inside of the rims are clean and shiny, My conclusion trying to get it too do burnouts with oil.

so anyway we left it that but has now esculated into a full family inlaw arguement u get the picture.

what i want too know is does the aurion ecu have a datalogging capability eg records max revs, max speed, and fuel usage and any other info i can get my hands.

cheers guys sorry for the family post but its important.



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Man, that sounds like some serious family matters there. No doubt about it that they probably gave it a flogging. I hate hearing things like that happening to something that you own.

Anyways, I don't think the ECU for such a car has been designed to record such data. It's not really something you would picture Toyota investigating during services, etc. Maybe a high end car like a Ferrari or GT-R would require this type of thing, but not an Aurion. Even if it did, I would imagine it only storing the highest values attained, and I'm sure that it would only display figures that you can account for:


i thought this was pretty good fuel economy considering

I wouldn't be concerned about high speed, I'd be more concerned about the damage at lower speed.

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i'm prolly wrong, but i'm pretty sure that the standard ecu doesnt have a data logging thing built in...

you can connect a laptop and record the data while the laptop is connected, but i dont believe you can "go back" and pull data off it...

i guess the only way to know would be to ask toyota and see if its possible..............

Edited by SecaBoy
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Reading through the service manual on the ECU system, it appears that there is indeed no constant data logging facility. There is however *limited* logging in the form of "freeze frame" data, as the service manual refers to - which is basically every piece of data the ECU knows about the car the moment a fault is detected. Unless there was an engine fault at the time of something happening to your car, no data will have been recorded.

However, I do remember seeing on Today Tonight some time ago that there are little devices that you can attach to the OBD connector which perform full data logging. It is so small that it could hide quite well, and when you need to get data from it you just connect it to a normal computer. I remember that it was more targeted at "worried parents" who don't trust their kids driving styles, so it something to look into - especially if you are going away somewhere again.

I can understand why you would be ******. Entrusting family to look after your belongings, only to find they have been mistreated beyond belief is just inexcusable!

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There is however *limited* logging in the form of "freeze frame" data, as the service manual refers to - which is basically every piece of data the ECU knows about the car the moment a fault is detected.

That's news to me. I knew such a thing could happen, but I didn't think Toyota did that. So lets just hope then that nothing breaks (that could be considered a warranty job) while travelling at high speeds and while driving hard, etc.

However, I do remember seeing on Today Tonight some time ago that there are little devices that you can attach to the OBD connector which perform full data logging. It is so small that it could hide quite well, and when you need to get data from it you just connect it to a normal computer. I remember that it was more targeted at "worried parents" who don't trust their kids driving styles, so it something to look into - especially if you are going away somewhere again.

I can understand why you would be ******. Entrusting family to look after your belongings, only to find they have been mistreated beyond belief is just inexcusable!

I think I remember that device being mentioned on one of the other sections here as well. It had to have been because I had a look at the site afterwards. They are useful as well if you want to see what your driving style is like for economy purposes, or if you want some logging for track use.

Anyways, when travelling and don't want your car taken, I saw a tip from a someone over in the States. Raise you car onto jack stands and remove then chain up the wheels.

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cheers guys and sorry for the rant jus thought the story might help responses

i used to work on trucks running cummins, cat and detriot engines and we could plug in the laptop and retrieve all that sort of data and also change operating perimeters it was really interesting sometimes u could see exactly how a truckie was actually driving the truck so thats why the question was asked.

as far as the unit that was seen on today tonight i wish everyday now that it was fitted to mine for this very reason but now wont even worry about due to noone else driving my car besides me and my fiance from now on.

and as far as toyota service dep helping me they just looked at me with a blank look and wouldnt let me speak to the service manager or a technician.

again cheers guys u know who u can and cannot trust these days next time ill just pay for parking at the airport atleast then i might have a car when i come home.



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cheers guys and sorry for the rant jus thought the story might help responses

i used to work on trucks running cummins, cat and detriot engines and we could plug in the laptop and retrieve all that sort of data and also change operating perimeters it was really interesting sometimes u could see exactly how a truckie was actually driving the truck so thats why the question was asked.

as far as the unit that was seen on today tonight i wish everyday now that it was fitted to mine for this very reason but now wont even worry about due to noone else driving my car besides me and my fiance from now on.

and as far as toyota service dep helping me they just looked at me with a blank look and wouldnt let me speak to the service manager or a technician.

again cheers guys u know who u can and cannot trust these days next time ill just pay for parking at the airport atleast then i might have a car when i come home.



Sorry to hear about your misfortune mate. Next time, just bring all the keys along with you, think it will cost less than parking in the airport. You can then park the car at home and enjoy your holiday with ease.

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That's news to me. I knew such a thing could happen, but I didn't think Toyota did that. So lets just hope then that nothing breaks (that could be considered a warranty job) while travelling at high speeds and while driving hard, etc.

Page ES-52 of the Engine Control System service manual. It could be only in the US v6 Camry version of the ECU that supports it, but still would be interesting to see if it actually does exist on the Australian version.

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why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

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why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

Well, if i were to entrust my car to some1 else, I'd still leave my keys in case of anything should happen that requires him/her to move the car aside. That's not the issue here thou.. Besides it's her fiances sister..

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why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

Well, if i were to entrust my car to some1 else, I'd still leave my keys in case of anything should happen that requires him/her to move the car aside. That's not the issue here thou.. Besides it's her fiances sister..

regarding the 'in case anything should happen that requires move the car", that's wat ur insurance is for.. I would guess the situation is earthquake and the house coming down or a FIRE?

the issue here is about data log, which explained already by Dave, and is correct. So, advise as similar to Ingres, park at airport~ Who can u trust in this world? Only God.

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i guess i'm fairly open to who drives my car... everytime i've gone overseas/interstate one of my mates has been put in charge of driving it / looking after it...

but they all know the rule... they damage it, then they pay for the excess/cost to fix it...

my old house mate put one of my rims into the gutter very slightly, and straight away offered to buy me a new rim... :lol:

it was already scratched anyway, so i told him not to bother... :lol:

i guess it all comes down to respect... if the person respects your property, then there is no issue...

anyway, i digress.. :)

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why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

Well, if i were to entrust my car to some1 else, I'd still leave my keys in case of anything should happen that requires him/her to move the car aside. That's not the issue here thou.. Besides it's her fiances sister..

I agree with the fiances sister part, sometimes it is better to avoid the confrontation, it's family afterall. Just avoid similar incidents from happening, bring along the keys or entrust the keys to someone else and keep the car at home. Sometimes its extended family that is the hardest to lash out.

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i guess i'm fairly open to who drives my car... everytime i've gone overseas/interstate one of my mates has been put in charge of driving it / looking after it...

but they all know the rule... they damage it, then they pay for the excess/cost to fix it...

...... ... ..

well, my story a year ago, i lent my camry to one of my best friend for 2 weeks, we had the same thinking that, "if damaged, you pay"- those kinda stuff. Returned with damaged side skirt, broke into half.. talk talk talk... bla bla bla... (skip the middle long part)

Our friendship ends as a result. Worth it or not? At first, i was happy i found that she was "THOSE KIND" of person (or mayb affected by other friends), but after a year, when all these bcome a memory, i was little regret.. Friendship was goner..

This is why, i decided, no, absolutely no one can drive my car. (other than CLOSE family and people who is farking close, fully trusted and fully understand the consequences) (mayb also have enough cash on standby)

It's just not worth the trouble..

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why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

no. 1 we hid the keys

no.2 she searched everywhere for them

no.3 she lived with us for six months b4 hand and we thought she was better than that

no.4 why would she lie about it

why would u leave the keys there with someone else.. when i left for oversea and my house is taken care by someone else, i still take my car keys along(or at least locked in safe)..

Well, if i were to entrust my car to some1 else, I'd still leave my keys in case of anything should happen that requires him/her to move the car aside. That's not the issue here thou.. Besides it's her fiances sister..

thats exactly why we left them our carpark has over 100 cars in it and thats just the basement carpark level why do i need to take keys with me that i dont need.

regarding the 'in case anything should happen that requires move the car", that's wat ur insurance is for.. I would guess the situation is earthquake and the house coming down or a FIRE?

i couldnt car less if the whole building fell on it to tell u the truth because yes that what insurance is for, but apart from insurance if my car is damaged then there is no way for me to take my daughter to school or for me to get to work.i cant afford to not have a car and if theres a way around an incident then im all for it.



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yeah, we've all got fairly expensive cars/bikes... and we all take care of each other's properties..

all depends on your friendship though, imo...

i wish that was the case i cant trust anyone in darwin that i know anymore and people who i dont know as well.

ive been in darwin just ova one yr and heres a list of what we have had done to our property in that time.

No. 1 my missus 02 lancer got broken into and ran sacked

No. 2 (and the worst of all) 2 of my race bikes got flogged which were right next to my car and chained up all up $30,000 worth (they were 2 ktm 450 race quads)

No.3 the amount of crap that gets thrown on them in the car park and at the shopping centres is absolutley ridiculous.

No.4 we live on the first floor of an defence apartment complex and have had used condoms land on our balcony thousands of cigarette butts people belongs that they think they can throw overboard there balcony, beer bottles etc land and smash on our balcony everytime we go out there we have to hose it down or quarantine it.

No.5 our cars get spat on and thats if they miss us by the locals and drunks tryin to pilfer money of u then u get that when u say no.

this place is aboslutley ridiculous and recommend noone to visit/move here and if it wasnt for the army we wouldnt be here and cant wait till we get to move and its ****s me when i try and have a nice car and it gets ruined by everyone else


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..... .... ...

i couldnt car less if the whole building fell on it to tell u the truth because yes that what insurance is for, but apart from insurance if my car is damaged then there is no way for me to take my daughter to school or for me to get to work.i cant afford to not have a car and if theres a way around an incident then im all for it.

pay the extra $30(roughly) per year, then insurance co will cover the cost for a rental car during car repairs.. even, if comprehensive ins, taxi to/from work. I think you gotta call and check with your insurance policy.. :unsure:

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i do get it all but as far as insurance companys go with my luck they can stick it so far my bikes got flogged on 2nd dec 08 and they are still dickin us around becaus ewe went with yamaha finance it happens to be with a interstate insurance company and to tell u the truth its gettin to yard.

And as far as the slum reply is concerned mate i live in darwin city 2 blocks from the main street u think it would be a little bit better cant wait to rid of this joint.

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