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Kluger Recovery Points


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Hi all,

Looking at buying my first Toyota (Kluger KX-S AWD) as a soft roader it will be required to go on the beach and fire trails etc. I couldn't see any tow hooks at the front if the vehicle required recovery!...........As I have alsways had Suabaru Foresters & Outbacks (Now require something a little larger) these vehicles have had a tow hook either side of the vehicle at the front and at least one at the rear somtimes two. Can someone please point me in the right direction.


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To the best of my knowledge the Kluger has no Rated recovery points. People that have required these have had them specially made and fitted. However since the Kluger is a soft-roader it is unlikely to be put in a serious recovery situation. For minor recovery situations, the tow "i" bolt in the front used for towing and two eyelet in the rear can be used with a little caution.

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Use a search function at the top right of the screen and you'll find the following results for recovery points:

Recovery point


Recovery tow points

The kluger manual does mention the two slots either side at the rear as being for recovery, but they look too light weight and more like tie down points.

Edited by Kesawi
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the recovery points at the rear seems strong enough. None on the front though if you have a nidge bar.

The nudge bar has removable plastic covers in the locations corresponding to the front tow points. These are only tow points not recovery points.

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