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Toyota Camry Hybrid


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hi all,

I am new here and I am currently driving a honda civic. I was initially going to upgrade to the Civic Hybrid however i find that car getting quite dated, so i began researching other hybrid models, well the Honda insight is too small, the prius is way to expensive and uses premium unleaded and so my chosen future vehicle is the camry hybrid, any camry hybrid owners please give me your opinions of your car and tell me what you like / dislike about it, also your fuel economy will be good to know too,

i like the camry hybrid like that push start, the larger car / power and the excellent reported fuel economy, so this is going to be my next vehicle and i will trade in my 2005 civic for this car, i am looking for a 2010 used around 20k to 40k km and just the standard one not the lux one,

also can anyone tell me whether the navi option, toyota want $3000 to install it, is it possible to get this cheaper by haggling?


Edited by clayton4115
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First of all, welcome mate.. Hopefully u will get what u want pretty soon.

I'd say it's fairly hard to haggle with Toyota for Navigation. What u can do after u get ur car, is to look around the forum for aftermarket ones. They're more than decent in terms of quality, and less than half the price of what you pay to Toyota. If you're good with ur hands, u could save even more by doing this on your own. And it's also a fact that many of the experts here are from Queensland.

Well, enjoy the forum. I'm sure you'll have your hands full of info going through in and out of the forum. :)

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thanks for your response, so you can put in aftermarket ones? what about the fuel economy graph, thats part of toyota so i suppose i will not get that if i go aftermarket. Toyota Camry Hybrids are going for around $25,000 for a 2010 model, they fall in value very fast.

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