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aurion tweeters ???


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first i have search around couldnt find anything, i have recently bought a new sets of tweeters to replace the stock but the stock tweeters have 4x cable per sides 2 pink and 2 purple WTH??? the after market tweeters have 2x cable 1 black and 1 red please anyone know how to hook it up? i try to hook up 2 pink round up with 1 red 2 purple round up with black it worked but have very loud s s s s s sound come out lol i dont know to do now i couldnt find anything to fix this sound

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Pretty sure there's no crossovers in the Aurion splits. I think they're just daisy-chained - a pair of wires (+ and -) from head unit harness to tweeters and a pair from tweeters to doors. Your speakers should be wired as follows:

Pink = Left speaker positive

Purple = Left speaker negative

Green = Right speaker positive

Blue = Right speaker negative

(See DJKOR's post here for more info on the wires from the head unit harnesses.)

As for the hiss, what are you using for your music source (store bought CD, USB with mp3s, iPod with FM transmitter, etc.)?

Before anything else, test with a store-bought CD. Sometimes a poor quality audio source can have hiss noticible in high quality speakers that wasn't noticible in lesser quality ones. Testing with a store-bought CD should eliminate that possibility. Any further testing should be done with this CD too.

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i simply cut the factory capacitor from the connector and soldered the new crossover wires after identifying the terminals the tweeter uses with a multimeter. But, i also gutted the factory tweet and remnoved the wiring/voicecoil.

one thing i found, if you overload the head unit with a very low impedance, it doesnt like it and distorts very badly. My crossover was backwards and presented a one ohm load on one side and almost open cct on the other side to AC, (no markings on the crossovers) so you may have this issue?

also, my head unit is now running -2 treble to sound natural. the factory tweeters are terrible.. try just turn your treble down.


Edited by cruiseh
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