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Buying Prius


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I'm thinking about buying 2009 TOYOTA PRIUS ZVW30R or 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS C NHP10R E-CVT. Just wondering if anyone could comment on these 2 cars (ride quality, battery life, fuel economy).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The ride quality of the Prius 30 is on a par with most small/medium cars. I can't speak fit the Prius C because I can't fit in it (I'm 195cm).

Battery life is not worth worrying about. Unless you will be driving in severe, sub-sub-zero or extreme heat, the battery will take care of itself.

If you flog it, it will still return reasonable fuel economy. If you learn hypermiling techniques and learn about the machine, you'll get the ADR figures in most conditions.

It is possible to get better fuel economy from the Prius C in city conditions but the Prius 30 is better if you drive at highway speeds regularly. Prius C might be better in Sydney but the Prius 30 would be better in Canberra.

Here's some comparisons of Prii with real-world conditions, not artificial tests.

BTW, The Prius 30 is known as the 2010 Prius on US sites.


Prius C


As for my fuel consumption... My current tank in my Prius 30 has taken me 1101km and will last about 60km more for a 700 mile tanks. I use a number of techniques to get there, but otherwise I drive to normal places at normal speeds with normal stuff in my car. (Hint: the Distance to Empty calculation in the Prius 30 is ridiculously conservative, triggering panic when you still have 10 litres left.)

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