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If you had 15K?


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Hey everyone

I'm looking at getting myself a hybrid, and I have about 15K to spend (this is a stretchable figure...)

I'd love to hear your opinions on which would be the best purchase, model, extras, caveats, etc.

Really just starting out research here so any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks :)

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The later the model, the better the technology will be. The batteries will likely be in better condition as well. 

What you can justify spending will be your limiting factor.

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Ok so basic rule of thumb is go with the latest model I can afford.

Any weird things I should be aware of?

Do the batteries have a time/km limit, or both?

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2 hours ago, hosolof said:

1. Ok so basic rule of thumb is go with the latest model I can afford.

2. Any weird things I should be aware of?

3. Do the batteries have a time/km limit, or both?

1. Pretty much whatever you can afford that suits your needs.

2. Depending on the year(usually 07-09), there are some dash melting issues.

3. Not a specific timeframe; however, the older any battery is, the less reliable it will become.

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