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toyota lite ace 1981 , manual start petrol


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hello , i am after a carburator  4 k or 5 k to retrofit on a Toyota van 1981  1,3 ltr engine petrol , manual start , i realise that it sound nearly impossible to find a second -hand one and have it reconditioned , however , i will appreciate so much , if anyone could guide me , what are the best option to adapt one , and if so , which one i should buy and where ?  we bought one online and a part was missing ..300 euros , now it is used alas as paper holder ..lol..i join pictures of the actual one we have , and despite having change all the joins , the Toyota still used 20 liter of petrol for 100 kms , double what it should do !!!and in France the petrol is 3 euros the liter , so 6 dollars !! LOL..LOL ..the Toyota is in France at my brother "place , he ask me to try to find some infos  or solution  in Australia , as not many Toyota  were imported in France , He is a very competent mechanic used to work of all sort of engines , but he is not fluent in English and i live in OZ and i had myself few Toyota in Oz in 36 years i emigrate here .. i will realy appreciate any infos , guidance.. ect , I am in Noosa QLD  , but travel to Sydney regularly .. thank you so much , Catherine







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Hi Catherine, I feel for you in this frustrating dilemma. 

I don't have much knowledge in this particular model of Toyota to offer a definitive response, but I would probably seek out information on how many Toyota engines from that period use that same carburetor. This can widen your search other than for a van for instance.

Can I ask what is wrong with the one he has ? Is it not salvageable ?

If it is, and he can get a full rebuild kit for it, I would highly recommend it be fully disassembled and all parts cleaned using an ultrasonic cleaner. The are a few air and fuel passages within the body that can be partially blocked and these need to be thoroughly cleaned for optimum performance.

20lt per 100 kays is a lot of fuel, even for a 1.3 litre. Is he sure it's not leaking fuel ?

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