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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Thanks for your complements Bladehunter.

    I can do this one in various textures if you wish, or take the texture out. As for the devil horn logo, anyone knows if that'll be an issue with Toyota? Don't know but maybe the normal logo is fine.

    Let me know what you guys think. Personally I think that we should make this place into a proper car club, but the admin wouldn't let me talk about it and have since cancelled my topic, which I agreed may have gone a little to far. But how about this forum having a Sportivo specific section or us becoming a proper car club?

    I presumed the club you were talking about was an outside club to TOC

    If it is whithin the ranks of TOC then thats fine.

    If a group of you guys wish to form this club further then I am certainly up for a chat about it...

    As for the toyota logo.. if you notice we do not have the toyota logo on any of our logo's... I tend to ensure that we do not upset Toyota and end up changing stationary and stickers etc. Although I know toyota are pretty lax with us as I have run into a couple of things in the past and seemed pretty cool.

    We should have our own identity.. the word toyota says it all.

    I like the logos you guys have been designing... and as I said before I am willing to fund this for you guys as long as the stickers are used.

  2. Hey boys, what do you think of my sticker version 2?

    I think we need something clear and text only.


    (This is pre profuction, so it will get a nicer softer touch if it goes into production form)

    Lets get cracking though, we have sat on this for too long!!!

    how about the square an outline of Australia?

    If I Saw an shape of australia I would immediatly know what it is.. same with the UK.

    just an idea anyhow.

    I could also fund this if a design is chosen... but no more than 2 colours though please.

    I like this thread :)

  3. You may note that there is a notice on the AU gallery saying you need to be a gold member to upload images.

    I would like to note that AU members should not be affected by this.

    We are soon to install a gallery especially for AU members.

    If you spot a member requesting help as they may have seen the notice please inform them that they can still upload to the AU gallery as normal.



  4. peeps send me $2 Aus dollars through paypal and I will use the postal address supplied on paypal

    Send to (please take three XXX's from the email address as i will get spammed if i leave this address here)


    Please remember to remove the XXX from the address.

    I will send a set to you. Add in the comments box what you want ie Stickers

  5. We have brought our whole network together and have formed a specialised area for meets... due to our experience from our other busy clubs meets can be swallowed in the masses. As we develope our new site we would like you guys to register and start adding meets on our dedicated area.

    Our club events system shall cease soon and linked direct to the new meet forums.


    We are working on a notification system of new meets soon for your location.. please bear with us



  6. fantastic.. you guys dont hang around to get these meets up and running!.. well done fellas!

    let me know when the next big one is and I will pop some flyers over to give to other members to hand out!.. I have a massive box full.. and in full colour! so i can send a couple of hundred down.

  7. Hi mate

    I see your point.. but we have to take other members into consideration. We cannot have messey topics with unrelated topics mate... i run 6 forums and I make sure all topics are in the correct category.. its like house cleaning... you make sure everything is placed where it is meant to be placed.

    I also mentioned to you that if MR2 owners started posting there then all the other corolla owners would have to drift thtough the unrelated topics.

    Trust me mate... you would soon get fed up of it.

    I have also mentioned this a few times and there has been a sticky left at the top of the corolla forums asking members to post into the correct forums.

    answer to your second question

    Do you have a firewall on?

    clear your cookies... instantly restart your browser by closing all of your browser windows and start afresh,,, log in and that should help.

    hope this helps mate...




  8. there are a few sections that you should check.

    1. Corrolla

    2. General Chat

    3. Meets

    Anything that gets posted in the wrong category will be moved.

    This is a new forum... things take time to develop... i have 6 others or more that have become popualr and are well managed

    if people started posting about their MR2 in the corolla section then corolla owners would be annoyed at this.

    Start as you mean to go on.

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