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Posts posted by Steve

  1. The reasons why this is a single upload program

    Its prevents bulk uploading of bad quality images.. such as dark or grainy images. Members tend to choose better images for their album. Thus making the gallery more quality. The old gallery (in all clubs not just this one) there starts to get a degrade in images as members tend to select the lot in one shot.

    However, there is talk of a multiple upload mod.

    As for a mods section... please use the New garage thats about to appear.

    Each member has 1 album with 2 meg in size.. I will up this later. Each album can only be uploaded to by the person who created it... So other cannot upload in your album.

  2. keep you guys updated.. These forums are now registered and paid for... The forum before was an unlicenced version... I have paid for the licence and upgraded to the latest version.

    So.. I am ready to install some goodies this week

  3. Hi folks

    Those who remember us talking about club stickers and I promised to come up with something

    Well I have been to my local sign shop and they are gonna design and prep a load of stickers for us.

    I Asked for the shape of Australia with the worlds TOCAU overlapping and the full web address underneath.

    These will be outside stick vinyl.

    Just need to choose colours?? any ideas?

    I shall view the deaign next monday and they will cut and prep for the week after. These will then be ready for distribution.

  4. Steve - Forums are looking GREAT ;)

    Love the location and the new theme :D. Alhtough it says in the garage that only Gold/Silver members can post? Will this be the same as the gallery where AU guys dont have to be members??

    Not for the AU one. When the sites starts becoming more popular then we may launch a new gold section for it... but no plas as of yet for that for quite a while.

  5. anything else?

    We shall be upgrading these forums when a proper release comes out. When this happens we shall install a garage

    like this


    You can then place your cars in here and show all the mods and pics etc.

    we shall also install an arcade.. then you guys can have tournaments with each other too.

    I have alot of plans.. the more people use this site the more I will add in the way of features.

    so.. summary of this i am gonna do

    1. More Emoticons

    2. Forum upgrade to version 2.0

    3. Garage v2

    4. News Section (need AU source)

    5. TOCAU's own Gallery

  6. Ok guys... stickers look a favorite

    Would vinyl ones be ok? outside stick or inside stick? Colors?

    someone show me something that looks good and if a plotter can plot it I will get them done. I can recreate anything.

    If your not too fussy but want the club name to stand out then leave it to me?

    I will look at adding locations.. I just wrote it down on my list ;)

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