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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Whats needed is a firm idea of what we all want so we will all be happy with placing these on the car

    Some would prefer vinyls and some would prefer self cling in the window.

    I just do not want another site to make money from our logo... We do not want to make money on them. Obviously the company who makes them has to live.

    We need stickers to be as cheap as poss covering all costs. I dont mind getting a load done and bearing the costs to them.

  2. It is good to keep the domain as our brand name... it does what it says on the tin.

    Also in regards to the filter.. well I think there is no need for any bad language at all. I would like to say that having a filter is controlling but repects other members who may not wish to see such language, especially at work as some companies filter for such language and block our website (i have seen this done).

    I would hope members would respect what we are trying to do... the F word has nothing to do with cars and I can explain things without using swear words.


    oh S**t = oh golly :lol::lol:

    F**k = flip! ;)

    If it is good enough for all members of your family to view then its good enough for this site. If it is not then expect it to be moderated.

    Not my intention to be pushy, but I try and keep things of high standard in order to look after everyone. ;)

  3. hmm googles $5 a day shared.. hey thats $1 each fellas!!

    $25 a year hosting made me grin... thats cheap for a dedicated server

    The end of the day we do not have funds to improve things on this website. Shame as since this club is only over a year old we see it growing rapidly.

    We are not begging people to support the site... If people enjoy it and want a few more features in return then please do what you can.

    Otaku you need to get a grips of reality if you expect something to grow.

  4. but with japenese products there would be a much higher quality control cos those big brands (like sony) dont want their names spoiled by some crappy chinese factory...

    you should do some research.. the "crappy chinese" factory you mention are thats where most of the componants in sony gear is made... its only the elecronics (which some of the electronic componants are made in China) are then put togethr by japanase factories.

    If i said to you go and have a look at where all the products are made in your home you would see that you have purchased so called "crappy chinese" made products. I bet even the shirt on your back is made in china.

    Also isnt china now the second most powerful economy in the world? (or getting there very quickly) America being the first.. i can bet you China will soon be the most powerfull country in the world.. afterall they are buying out alot of the large banks in the USA.

    So, i reckon before slating chinese made products (not saying all is good as there is some crap floating around) I would research actually how big the chinese industry is.. you will be highly suprised.

    Japan is too small to have such a enourmous industry making plastics and electronics products... its all imported in!!

  5. saw this on clubrsx.....thats sum crazy n scary shizzles.....

    y cant the CHINAese produce n e thing thats decent :(

    funny you should say that

    China probably develope 70% of the things you use every day... guess what.. the japs do too. You buy something from japan such as a camera you can guarentee alot of it was moulded in china... the japanese just add their technology to it.

    China just have to establish themselves in the car market and learn from their mistakes. But they will be big in the future i can tell you.

    In fact the americans dont build such safe cars either.

  6. ok guys here is the deal.

    If i provide a content management system for the front end (instaed of the cacky one at the mo) I can give you guys access to add articles on the fly.

    All that is required is at least an article per week from each person (which may depend on how big the article is)

    I do not expect anything that puts people out... just a bit of fun to add more content to the club and help build it up.

    Contenet will be based on all types of Toyota cars and information (not just corolla ;) ) Also adding industry news would be excellent too. Toyota AU release press releases weekly... these will need to be researched from Toyota and get them email as soon as they are released and added to the website, Toyota will be happy to supply this info as its publicity for them as long as you adhere to their Embargo dates.

    I agree that we should have a team leader so we can all agree on articles that are published.

    If those interest can defiantly volunteer a little bit of time then we should start planning by choosing a team leader, and then some ideas such as Featured ride, car of the month and industry news etc.

  7. interesting votes... we did get a couple more than whats listed but i am only listing the highest votes.

    northy 4 votes

    Danz 3 votes

    E-Gene 3 votes

    Silva 3 Votes

    xoom 3 votes

    my job picking just got harder

    So I am going to pick all 5

    E-gene being the supermod.

    I will also try and send the 4 new mods some ideas on how to mod when I make the changeover. I will sort something out real soon.

  8. Ok... After a bit of investigation i have found that cheating has been going on.

    I can sniff crap from a nuns **** from the admin area of these boards and I know who it is. I aint saying anything.

    So... I am cancelling these polls as they are incorrect

  9. Sorry for not keep tabs guys.. last week my PC went bang and I have managed to get stuff sorted and had to reinstall software and get myself running again.

    I was waiting for you guys to make a list or add names to a poll

    But I will only make new moderators who will actually commit to spending at least 30 mins a day going through posts.

    Also I have big experience with forums.. and like th e other boards we usually have mods that manage all forums because you dont need to be car minded to know when someone is being rude, silly or bitchy or know when a topic is not in the right place.

    So.. we usually set things up so that mods look after the whole board in the hope that at least there is one Mod about during the daytime.

    Thats my experience and I would like to stick to this.

    So... If you guys can get a list of names that are willing to help then its up to you guys to vote.

    Thats fair then

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