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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Our Vehicle we will be donating in Mongolia for the orphan children.

    It is important that we help these kids who are basically left on the streets to fend for themselves due to poverty and violence. By donating our vehicles to CDPF (Children's' Development and Protection Fund) charity helps children get shelter, food, warmth from the siberian winters and a good chance of an education.

    We hope our 4x4 will raise $5000 USD for charity alone. This is funded out of our own pockets, no charity donation goes towards this vehicle.

    We are also raising money for Save the Children who are funding other charitable projects in Mongolia.

    Let me know what you think of this beauty




  2. trying to track the name of a wax my friend recommend, it was aircraft wax, i Cannot remember the name. I will find out

    Apparently it is glossy of all glossy waxes. He used to enter detailing shows and he used to win many awards.

  3. A friend and I are involved in a charity car rally, facing 8,000 miles of pot-holes, strange borders and questionable food (and probably hygiene after 8k miles!) to raise money for Save The Children. We aim to raise a minimum of £1000 for Save The Children, plus we shall donate our vehicle to a charity called CDPF (Children's' Development and Protection Fund) when we reach Mongolia.

    The Mongolia Charity Rally is a pan-continental drive across five mountain ranges, two deserts and enough barren and pot-holed roads, paths and terrain to ensure we'll swagger like John Wayne for a good few weeks after we complete the drive. We will start in London on the 11th July and our final destination is the great Mongol capital of Mongolia, beyond the Gobi desert, Ulaanbaatar, several weeks later. We are aiming to complete the rally in 3 weeks or less.

    My team mate Dan is from Newcastle Australia, he will be flying to the UK to join up with me. We will be updating a daily blog and hope you guys will follow our adventures. Certainly going to be the toughest thing i have ever done.

    The rule is we need to raise some cash before we can set off. I would be grateful if members here could donate a few bucks, in return I will get some nice club stickers made up (some chrome ones are sweet?) and I will send them out to you before we leave as a thank you gesture. Also I will add you to the clubs thank you list.


    They accept paypal too ;) Makes life easier

    Our website is almost complete but my australian buddy has yet to update his profile. It is at http://www.roadwarriors.org.uk

    Please help!

    cheers guys.



  4. Please may i remind members that we do not tolerate swearing of any kind on the boards, This includes deceiving the swear filter by making up words.

    We shall be issuing warnings to anyone swearing on the boards. if it continues then we shall be suspending accounts.

    So in order to make the boards family and work friendly please can we keep the boards clean.

    Please spare a thought for others.

    Many thanks for reading.



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  5. like to see them do that when they reach 40,

    i struggle to get outta my chair, but i can nearly do those moves if i have a bee or wasp in my face, then i am like michael jackson mid flight regardless if tired limbs

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