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Posts posted by Steve

  1. the main reason is......

    your email address... they flog it on and make money from your emails.

    If a site had 50k members then thats worth it. Some even keep quiet so they can come back now and again and steal your members info.

    BadBoyz.. i find myself dribbling over that siggy pic... thats beatiful!

  2. I have had my fair share of hackers in the past... it is a real pain but in a way its good because you always aware of whats going on. Backups are taken more regularly and you sort of end up a paranoid admin.

    But i always keep up with security and always use good software that i can get good support on.

  3. i dont see why a mod should take over.. he is then liable for bad stock or even get ripped off himself while he is handing members their money back if all goes wrong.

    GB's are a very dodgy area. but would only use payal to a established paypal member. That way clawing back money is easier if they do not come up with the goods.

  4. hey guys

    if your icon goes missing it is because the silver period has expired. The system changed it automatically. The system does not notify you you.. sorry. Hopefully next version will.

    If you are a mod and you update the silver membership then it will change you to silver. Please PM as soon as and I will fix this.

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