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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Due to spammers spamming the system we pulled the PM feature.

    Today i pulled all the spam from the infected inbox's and patched the PM system.

    Members now have full access to Pm's but you will be limited to 1 message every few mins. This is to stop the bulk spammers.

    Paid Members can do what they like as this doesnt affect them as spammers do not have paid accounts.

    hope this helps guys.



  2. Due to spammers spamming the system we pulled the PM feature.

    Today i pulled all the spam from the infected inbox's and patched the PM system.

    Members now have full access to Pm's but you will be limited to 1 message every few mins. This is to stop the bulk spammers.

    Paid Members can do what they like as this doesnt affect them as spammers do not have paid accounts.

  3. ok there are some un-called for comments here, The PM box was removed because there was a link to malware, now i can leave it if you want?


    PM inbox is now back..i kept on at support with others and they have released a patch to stop spamming.

    If you see a link in a PM from today back to last month that looks weird please delete it.

    now go and enjoy yaselves!

  4. cheers mate... like to do something good now and again.. gives me that warm fuzzy feeling... i have been to some countries where children have absolutely zero, we have a credit crunch they have nothing.

    i have been so busy getting the truck ready, may need a new clutch.. that sucks.

  5. Some of you may have read about my trip this summer to mongolia in an old 4x4.

    I managed to get in the local paper here which was cool, the article in the paper is almost a full page, only expected a small column.. fantastic!

    Here is the net version

    Anybody fancy sponsoring me a few quid to help me raise the funds for Save the Children?

    Here is my Justgiving Page.. donation goes direct to charity.

    Thanks to the_random_hero, Kenneth, J e r e M y, Jay... cheers guys! you rock!

    C'mon guys.. help us out ;)

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