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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Hi Folks

    Some may have notcied we are having problems with the members garage feature.

    This is due to some weird licencing issue. I cannot seem to resolve this issue so we took steps in purchasing the more professional version with proper paid support.

    However.. it will mean that all links to garages in signatures wll need to change.

    I am sure you will agree it was a move for the best and this move shall be permanent this time.

    The Garage will be called "Registry" (I did not name this)

    over the weekend i intend to get this installed.

  2. man.. is this thread a joke or something??

    I dont get it... so people are not gonna post purely because there post count doesnt rise in the club lounge??

    OH84BY had a good point.. it should build a better community.

    I suggest those who dislike it actually take a few minutes to think about it... what has actually changed... Not alot.. general discussions was simply renamed... an post counts turned off.. thats it.

    thats why i keep thinking is this a joke thread?

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