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Posts posted by Steve

  1. everytime someone comes back from a temporary ban, they have to send nude pictures of themselves to an admin... guys ones normally get deleted instantly. :lol: :lol:

  2. The TOCAU Blog is now active. See Blogs link in above menu.

    Its a fantastic peice of kit, alot of features and can be a bit daunting but once you get the swing of things its sweet.

    The blog will allow you to alter your blog page by simply dragging the boxes across the screen. So everyones blog can be unique to themselves.

    We are also working on adding themes and more colours.

    Why do we need blog you may ask?

    Well, many things it can be used for, one of them is car modding... imagine your working on modding your car, you take pics of the process. The blog allows you to journal your work for all to see.

    Or you may wish to keep a journal for your mates to see on here! We want you guys to enjoy yourself on TOCAU.

    Enjoy! or as us Pommys say here in the UK, "Go Knock Yourself out" :spiteful:

  3. what about if the chat room opened at certain times? chat fest for a few hours! not a 24 hour thing.

    I have ran chat rooms before, they are successful if set for certain evenings, it a good laugh.

    I am also looking into a Wiki so that all the useful stuff will get archived in the wiki such as How to's and tips.

    I know i promised this lot a while ago but i still have serious internet issues and awaiting a new cable to be laid through my garden. I need to ensure my net access is reliable as i have to upgrade the boards first, then blog, gallery update.. with these issues, if it messes up halfway then could have some issues with the forum software and be messy. Plus i am getting such poor upload speeds its crazy.

    So I will probably try and do most in one day over a weekend when i have time to be around to fix any issues.

  4. Chat room is already ready... Just need to get it up on the boards .

    The blog would be a personal blog where you can custimize the look of your own blog and use it for personal blogging or even car mod blogging.

    Should be good fun to use.

    Shoutbox I will not install purely because of past security issues.

    Blogs would also keep the OT topics down too.

  5. remember a few years back we nominated a guy on the club forum to jump out of a plane for a laugh... it was meant for a joke to scare the guy but then suddenly we realised we raised hundreds and the guy couldnt back out... haha few months later with a 4 figured sum raised he has no choice and he jumped... bloke had balls!

    we raised loads of dosh for Cancer Research.. filmed his pain then posted it on the boards

  6. I am making some big changes to the rest of the website this month. I am upgrading the news section part of the site as I feel adding more toyota content can only make the site bigger and better. I am currently not happy with the current setup.

    I also have plans for members to write reviews on their toyota dealer. Praising good service and publicising bad service is a way for all of our members to make informed decisions about which Toyota dealers to use, based on the opinions and real-life experiences of others. Toyota is supposed to be about good service. This has not always been the case from some dealers. From previous experience with the dealer reviews (i have used these on other clubs i run) I have found this to be a very good tool and dealers will start recognising it if we all team together and start adding some good reviews. It's not all about logging bad reviews... a good review maintains a good service.. no dealer wishes to lose that high rank.

    So whats this thread about?

    I would like members to post some ideas of what they would like to see on TOCAU. Would you like to see a better gallery? Maybe a video area or wiki?

    Please contribute your thoughts and I will take some time and look through with the rest of the team.



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