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Everything posted by spillige

  1. wouldnt it be great to have a new age ae86, it would be so much fun i think they would sell like hot cakes. i know we all drive corollas but does any one remember how much fun small rwds are????
  2. u can put a small filter on it for time beaing but youll need to install an oil catch can to it or plum it back into your new pipework
  3. ouch!! not saying its right but a contracts a contract, dont like it dont buy it. its a shame what they have done especialy to one of the leading cars of our generation u can always buy a new evo and save 100k
  4. 2jz gte with t88 34d rwd in 3door hatch..... nah i think stay n/a 2zz and make it rwd, upgraded brakes stiffin up the suspension, make it loose some weight by getting rid of the few luxuries it does have and 16inch rims, stick some trd stickers on it and u have a trd corolla
  5. get them they look sick azzzzzzzzzzzzzz but youll have to do 25 to life for it, worth it trust me
  6. looks prity fully sick hectic cuzzz..... ill take 10
  7. hmmm might work on U.S model not sure bout oz... but for $999 i wouldnt trust it looks like its got made in china writen all over it. but for any one who wouldnt mind taking one for the team buy one and let us all know if it doesnt work just stick it on your lawnmower...... done
  8. im more intrested to know where i can get one of those rear bars looks fat, just what ive been lookin for...
  9. gourou ive seen the s-2s in sydney for $1100 at tempetyres if it helps check how much the shipping would be might work out cheaper but might not... products_closeup.htm
  10. So let me get this right you are criticising a guy for spending $20 on a sticker, when you spent $50 or $60k (if you bought it new) on a badge. For the record why are you no longer driving the BMW? That's nice dear, when I was 24 my grammar (and spelling) was significantly better than yours and although I had not completed my first degree I already had a 6 figure salary package and an overseas posting in a senior role with a major international company. So it would be advisable to forget about one's social standing and concentrate on why we are all here, a love of Toyotas Ascendant justice Spend the extra money and buy genuine stickers they will last longer and actually do look better (plus you are guaranteed the spelling will be correct - seriously) For the spoiler (and any other bodykit items) take a look at http://www.trc-tuning.com/index_shop.htm and select Auris (the name everyone else calls the current Corolla hatch). They are expensive but it will give you ideas as to what is available Jaaassseeee Full marks for the picture, way cool hey jps i dont care if u know what i have or dont i was just defending my self against jaaaasseee abuse is that ok? and jaaassseee your abusing me now does that make u any better than me? is revenge an excuse? 50 to 60k on a badge lmao have u ever been in any type of bmw, any one thats owned a bmw would never say something as stupid as that there worth every $$, what toyota has done by sticking lexus badges on upgraded toyotas and making u pay extra is paying for a badge. but any way this is getting old the point ive been trying to make this whole time is, and its some thing thats been going on since moding began by people that have no real intrest in cars or moding but just want to be seen. no body thinks your cool any more because your pumping your 12inch sub thru the suburbs at 20thousand db or have the biggest loudest muffler in the street. having a cheap trd sticker on a stock toyota does not make u cool. and this is not just over a badge its about guys like this who buy cheap nockoff gear and make there cars defective, it ends up affecting every one. next time u get pulled over and abused by police for no reason remember the over guy with the 5inch cannon on his excell that just ****** u over let me elaborate and speak on behalf of what others are thinking. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Please...! hey jaaassseee think your mad dont you if u think your such a badboy bring it ill meet u any where u want and we can talk about this in person lets see how big your mouth is then i dare u plzzzzzzz
  11. So let me get this right you are criticising a guy for spending $20 on a sticker, when you spent $50 or $60k (if you bought it new) on a badge. For the record why are you no longer driving the BMW? That's nice dear, when I was 24 my grammar (and spelling) was significantly better than yours and although I had not completed my first degree I already had a 6 figure salary package and an overseas posting in a senior role with a major international company. So it would be advisable to forget about one's social standing and concentrate on why we are all here, a love of Toyotas Ascendant justice Spend the extra money and buy genuine stickers they will last longer and actually do look better (plus you are guaranteed the spelling will be correct - seriously) For the spoiler (and any other bodykit items) take a look at http://www.trc-tuning.com/index_shop.htm and select Auris (the name everyone else calls the current Corolla hatch). They are expensive but it will give you ideas as to what is available Jaaassseeee Full marks for the picture, way cool hey jps i dont care if u know what i have or dont i was just defending my self against jaaaasseee abuse is that ok? and jaaassseee your abusing me now does that make u any better than me? is revenge an excuse? 50 to 60k on a badge lmao have u ever been in any type of bmw, any one thats owned a bmw would never say something as stupid as that there worth every $$, what toyota has done by sticking lexus badges on upgraded toyotas and making u pay extra is paying for a badge. but any way this is getting old the point ive been trying to make this whole time is, and its some thing thats been going on since moding began by people that have no real intrest in cars or moding but just want to be seen. no body thinks your cool any more because your pumping your 12inch sub thru the suburbs at 20thousand db or have the biggest loudest muffler in the street. having a cheap trd sticker on a stock toyota does not make u cool. and this is not just over a badge its about guys like this who buy cheap nockoff gear and make there cars defective, it ends up affecting every one. next time u get pulled over and abused by police for no reason remember the over guy with the 5inch cannon on his excell that just ****** u over
  12. ladies and gentlemen all i speak is the truth and im the bad guy now?...... good thats the way i like it love me or hate me u need people like me to put some exitment in your boreing lives. all im doing is dicussing issues that are affecting our scene. so what if im a $$hole thats life dont like it move to heaven via disneyland youll be safe there and hey mrs.sportivo is it ms or mrs? people say your trouble lets hookup im thinkin we would get along nice, picture us rolling HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SON ARE YOU FUC.KING SERIOUS? ROFLOL jaaaasseee be carefull i still like u but dont push it lmao peace
  13. ladies and gentlemen all i speak is the truth and im the bad guy now?...... good thats the way i like it love me or hate me u need people like me to put some exitment in your boreing lives. all im doing is dicussing issues that are affecting our scene. so what if im a $$hole thats life dont like it move to heaven via disneyland youll be safe there and hey mrs.sportivo is it ms or mrs? people say your trouble lets hookup im thinkin we would get along nice, picture us rolling
  14. dont feel sorry for this chump he's whats wrong with the scene, im not telling him to follow any style or trend, do u call sticking trd badges on stockers a style? any one out there who sticks trd stickers and badges on stock cars should be abused, he an imbaresment. if i ever did that id like some to treat me the same way, thats what he deserves I suggest you take a good hard look at yoursef before you start going accusing people of not being interested in performance mods.. or accusing them of being the reason the scene has a bad name... or whatever. you also drive a Non Sportivo... with the Economy engine... so ease off eh? ok ill say sorry for abuseing him but hes still a chump, he said that the reason he doesnt want performance mods is cause he doesnt want attention from the cops cause hes a p plater yet in an earlier post was asking where to get a cheap loud muffler..... hes the kind guy that goes out and sticks a muffler on a corolla that would make a semitrailer blush he gives all of us a bad name, not just that he'd go out and get a cheap chinese nockoff muffler from autobarn, no wonder companies like trust have gone bankrupped and your telling me theres no harm in it ps. dont kid your self corollas are slow the differance between me and u is im not lieing to my self... I had a Cannon and TRD badge/stickers all over my car, got a problem? If Corollas are slow then why do you bother with rims and spoilers? You're just digging yourself a bigger hole than you already are in mate. Personally attacking him and having the 'so what' attitude when people tell you off further enhances the already disgusting image I have of you. Furthermore, you personally attacked him on his weight, so really you cannot get any lower in terms of respect for others, and ultimately yourself. Unless he's doing something outrageous like pulling his cat out, throwing his car around dangerously on suburban streets or sticking a mugen sticker on his car, let him do whatever the hell he wants. Your abuse does nothing but add to an insane amount of idiots that come on this forums abusing the crap out of other people for no particular reason other than self gratification. Moreover, I find that people like you just willow in your own self pity as you struggle to get by your day to day life, therefore you find a need to attack people over the net so you feel better about yourself. He's a P-Plater, but at least he can spell. Your lack of education shows when you type bankrupt as bankrupped and embarrassment as imbaresment. How about I give you a dose of your own medicine. He will get a decent education and come out into the workforce properly qualified earning a sizable salary, while you sit at home and whack off to your second hand copy of DVD pornography you got from a fellow who smokes crack 24/7 down the road from your mother's house that you still mooch off in. Don't go running off crying to your mother, as I'm sure she's disgusted at you too. You'll just get sadly rejected you petulant and insecure prick. hi jaaasseee a.k.a mr trd i can feel the anger in your post very nice, it was a pleasure to read, your starting to sound like me a little. are u angry cause i said corollas are slow? because u just found out that u would have to spend 10grand on your rolla to get the same power to $ a silvia would get with a catback? whoops!!. and the reason i got a corolla is cause i wanted a cheap car with low running costs not to turn it into some ricer mobile that would end up getting blown away by most cars on the street anyways, whoops!! im only moding it cause i want to improve on the original product, its a long way off my previous car e46 bmw 318i. and hey i dont abuse him cause i think im better than him but as mr t would say i pitty the fool, and dont tell me every time u see a excell, mirage or charade and i wont say corolla cause i dont want to upset u any further, wiith a cannon and race stickers dont u just start laughing inside? and on a final note my grammer might be poor but im 24 and have 2 trades behind me... how bout u partner? ps. dont get me wrong my corolla is really starting to grow on me there not all bad relax....
  15. dont feel sorry for this chump he's whats wrong with the scene, im not telling him to follow any style or trend, do u call sticking trd badges on stockers a style? any one out there who sticks trd stickers and badges on stock cars should be abused, he an imbaresment. if i ever did that id like some to treat me the same way, thats what he deserves I suggest you take a good hard look at yoursef before you start going accusing people of not being interested in performance mods.. or accusing them of being the reason the scene has a bad name... or whatever. you also drive a Non Sportivo... with the Economy engine... so ease off eh? ok ill say sorry for abuseing him but hes still a chump, he said that the reason he doesnt want performance mods is cause he doesnt want attention from the cops cause hes a p plater yet in an earlier post was asking where to get a cheap loud muffler..... hes the kind guy that goes out and sticks a muffler on a corolla that would make a semitrailer blush he gives all of us a bad name, not just that he'd go out and get a cheap chinese nockoff muffler from autobarn, no wonder companies like trust have gone bankrupped and your telling me theres no harm in it ps. dont kid your self corollas are slow the differance between me and u is im not lieing to my self...
  16. ill make it official to any chumps out there with trd stickers and badges all over there stock corollas take em off u look like idiots. i know u can see where im coming from just cause i use abuse to get my point across is beside the point
  17. dont feel sorry for this chump he's whats wrong with the scene, im not telling him to follow any style or trend, do u call sticking trd badges on stockers a style? any one out there who sticks trd stickers and badges on stock cars should be abused, he an imbaresment. if i ever did that id like some to treat me the same way, thats what he deserves
  18. How many respect do that badges gave you in a traffic? :-D well said xpyyy, can some ban birreh plz spiligae wats ure problem with me? your a fat wanabee with trd badge on your stock, white, hubcap'd slow corolla... get it yet? do us all a favour and find a new scene to **** all over, may i suggest... lego?
  19. How many respect do that badges gave you in a traffic? :-D well said xpyyy, can some ban birreh plz
  20. Off the son of the little old granny who owned it... Cars Page here Like both of my cars, found it on ebay! nice ride, old school still ownz, i love the early 80s gemis
  21. birreh plz tell me u live in sydney so i can punch in the face..... y do u wana be another slow as.. white hubb capped corolla with a loud cannon u idiot LOL im gonna get rims b4 muffler!!!!!!!!! i just want all the research out of the way also i live in sydney up near the airport u should get 5inch cannon bro and spinner hubcaps it will go well with your nockoff trd badge
  22. get rid of the corolla, get 20s for the beamr!!!!
  23. Cheers mate, I would like to ask about the RIM paiting as well. I saw a Crash repair shop near my place (STC Crash repairer) having Spray Painting something (in their advertising), will they paint RIMs? I want my RIMS to be black but do you guy thing my car will look cook with black rim? Its color is SHIMMER, according to the registration. I dont know if black rims will look good with that color. id be getting them powder coated not done at a smash repair shop the powder coating will last longer and is antichip but y not put that money instead to some new 17s....
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