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Everything posted by Sera30

  1. I was talking with a few guys at work about this subject and someone said that for the factory ones they were specially made roofs with a hole. Thats the only reason stopping me from getting one .the idea of someone cutting my roof. My first car was a mazda 323 and i added a sunroof on that but after a year and a half the roof started to rust . They pulled it apart and noticed someone had forgotten to place the rubber seal around the inside. So the pulled it out cut a bigger hole and replaced it with a larger sunroof
  2. Just reading another thread and noticed alot of you guys feel like i do "p***ed off with myself for not getting a moonroof when i ordered the car" i did a bit of investigating awhile ago on adding one on. Like i said it was awhile ago and i cant remember the price and the name of the supplier. I think it was roughly $2500 and the supplier was at Kirrawee (sydney) has anyone else thinking about it or has added one?
  3. welcome you saw the light and walked towards it ;) that colour has been discontinued thats why its not on the colour sheet.
  4. everyone is wrong(sorry guys) Inferno I was actually hhoping they would take this colour off the list so there wouldn't be many around.
  5. I paid $850 and all the buttons on the steering wheel works perfectly B) thanks dj for pointing out the air vent positioning.
  6. All Done Check it out Just got the dusting to do Before /After DVD mode (The Simpsons) TV Mode GPS Mode Toyota Logo
  7. Thanks daryl Can always count on you when im stuck thanks dude
  8. Im just about finished installing my GPS/DVD unit. everything works perfectly except the TV. The image is there but no sound anyone tell me why? hanging to put it all back together dont want to have a before before i finish it . What a hell of a job when you doing it for the first time
  9. Hey everyone Names Raimond Age 41 sex male Status married, 2 kids thought id try something different
  10. Sera30


    From the album: aurion

  11. Sera30

    truck rollover.jpg

    From the album: aurion

  12. Sera30


    From the album: aurion

  13. I never installed the TV Antenna but i did install the GPS Antenna inside the dash board on top of one of the centre vents (another member suggested this). It works flawlessly and is totally out of sight. I've installed the TV Antenna but don't anticipate ever actually using it. Its there though if I ever get stuck somewhere (ie, the wife keeps me waiting somewhere) and want to use it. I ran all three (TV, GPS, Reversing Camera) to the back parcel shelf down the left as per DKzr6's post here. I have photos of the whole process; I'm putting together a step-by-step for those thinking about doing it themselves. bok Bok Im installing my unit on the weekend. Im getting some help from DJ and i was looking for as much info as i can and i noticed your quote here i was just wondering if you went ahead with the step-by-step on installation and the photos. I couldnt find them raimond
  14. KENT BROCKMAN thats a good one Tripper
  15. looks good DJ How did you end up tieing the mesh on the bottom of the lower intake? I thought maybe cable tieing at the top of the lower intake was enough but mine moves around if you push your finger through the bottom of the intake. thinking of drilling a few small holes so i can feed a couple of cable ties through
  16. just finished the back grill. took a few photos. take not of the lower intake. wife is happy
  17. thanks guys ill get some mesh today Thanks
  18. Now thats a good idea. Might look into that. thanks TRDYUS
  19. I got my new grill today and fitted it straight away. Had to make a few minor adjustments with a stanely knife ( i thought the quality is a bit poor) My wife is not to keen on it because she said you can see straight through it but she'll get useed to it. Now just waiting for Friday for my Auspack GPS/DVD unit WOOHOO
  20. i've ordered mine black sports grill due in on wednesday .du
  21. it wont come up it keeps saying "page cannot be found. Hey WF-x are you saying your up for a grill or not
  22. Im lost anyone tell what eyelids are in the lingo.
  23. What was all that(eye lids). Do I have any takers from sydney I have to let him know ASAP. Im ordering one over the weekend
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