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Everything posted by Sera30

  1. I'm having the same problem with the aftermarket one from Auspac
  2. Hey, i will add you to the list in the group buy thread, but i will not be able to take on any more people. Thanks evo Thanks EVO
  3. count me in for a sydney one if im not to late please. (only just logged in for awhile)
  4. can you update your photo in the sports grill club thread with your wheels please eSEXSIX? much appreciated. remember same angle
  5. Photos are looking great guys. Thanks very much KEEP THEM COMING. I dont mean to be picky but preferably the steer tyres turned hard left (like dj's). ZR nate your photo is not the greatest have you got another?
  6. thanks dj the one with the whole car is a good one that will do.
  7. Hey members.............. I was just looking at my Aurion the other day and I was very impressed with the look of it thanks to the sport grill(IMO) B) . So ..............I thought I wouldn't mind seeing a photo of all Aurion's that have the sports grill. I wouldn't mind creating some sort of presentation like a powerpoint one or if someone else has a better idea. STRICKLY FOR MY OWN BENEFIT AND CURIOSITY. It would be good to have the cars photographed in the same pose (as close as possible). Ill start with mine....
  8. Hey guys. Does anybody have any hassels with the bluetooth on these units? 1# That it sometiimes does connect \doesn't connect automatically 2# When i dail on my mobile while connected to it, it always rings through the mobile not the car kit.( I have to manually connect to it through the option on my mobile) 3# On the bluetooth option you can have it auto answer. its been ticked but it never auto answers. You have to press the button on my mobile or find the touch stick to touch the answer button on the screen not wanting to put fingerprints on the screen)
  9. No worries Jerms. Glad i could help. Looks great welcome to the grill club. B)
  10. i reckon we should all email a letter to toyota HQ and let them know that when things like this happen we all find out through this forum and they'll have alot of unhappy customers not just one I shutter to think "This could happen to me."
  11. very interesting, thanks for the tips PaulMT enjoy your hols
  12. I take it Tekkyy this would just driving around home no freeway cruising? If it is its pretty much the same as mine.
  13. As I said in this quote above I have re-installed this thing on Friday afternoon. My wife has been driving around on the weekend (i haven't had a chance) as she normally does that is locally to the shops, her mum's etc... all around a 6 km radius starting and stopping with traffic lights and the tank average has come down to 12.7/100. Without that gadget (I am not promoting this thing just testing it) i was getting 13.6 no matter what my wife or myself did. Almost 1 litre better i suppose thats better than nothing. ;)
  14. its not how calm you drive, but not often you brake if our family didn't go anywhere that week, we do about 13L/100km too like all the car did would be shopping or to the train station driving in the suburbs there is nothing you can do about traffic lights, stop signs, giveaways, and 90 degree turns I understand what your saying here tekkyy, the more my car sits idling at lights or anywhere else can give you a bad reading. I suppose like it was quoteed somewhere else it depends on how city driving is defined. Your consumption is simillar to mine so my mind is at ease 'TRD Aurion Owner' , well done with these readings .Ive been meaning to do this for some time but my wife sometimes forget to reset the milage button. I noticed you fill your tank at an average of 3-4 days ,on mine we fuel up around every 2 weeks being driving to and from shops, schools, etc not alot of highway driving. TO CLEAR THINGS UP . I never said that i do 300-400kms every 4 days I said that TRD AURION OWNER does 300-400 kms every 3-4 days according to his figures he quoted above. I said that i fuel my car every 2 weeks which the majority of Aurion drivers would get anywhere between 300 and say 500 kms to a tank.(roughly) I'm sure i would be aware if i am driving freeway or around town. As i quoted before "i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones 5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that." Not to and from work and Not freeways. On freeways I get alot better reading obviously :) :
  15. its not how calm you drive, but not often you brake if our family didn't go anywhere that week, we do about 13L/100km too like all the car did would be shopping or to the train station driving in the suburbs there is nothing you can do about traffic lights, stop signs, giveaways, and 90 degree turns I understand what your saying here tekkyy, the more my car sits idling at lights or anywhere else can give you a bad reading. I suppose like it was quoteed somewhere else it depends on how city driving is defined. Your consumption is simillar to mine so my mind is at ease 'TRD Aurion Owner' , well done with these readings .Ive been meaning to do this for some time but my wife sometimes forget to reset the milage button. I noticed you fill your tank at an average of 3-4 days ,on mine we fuel up around every 2 weeks being driving to and from shops, schools, etc not alot of highway driving.
  16. Now thats got me stumped. I drive cool calm and collected and i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones.5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that. Tomorrow if i get a chance ill call in to the service dept and have a chat with them.
  17. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is to much swearing in todays society. alot of people dont even realise their even swearing ,specially around kids
  18. Yeh I understand where your coming from' i thought or think the same thing. It was only $15 so i thought i'd try it. I'm on annual leave for 3 weeks at the moment and i'm driving the aurion around alot and I to am struggling to get the fuel average down. My wife just commented that it hasn't gone below 13.6 since I took it out. So ill put the thing back in tomorrow and see if the average comes down or not. If it doesn't work there might be another explaination for it. 13.6l/100 just seems a bit high
  19. Sera30


  20. Sera30

    aurion zr6

    From the album: aurion

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