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Everything posted by Sera30

  1. I'm thinking about powder coating my wheels.Tossing up between black or matt black Thoughts??????
  2. thanks. noticed that ...im trying to delete this post .
  3. IMO the new look looks shocking and dont start me on the colours..... Thats shocking http://www.toyota.co..._Aurion_Colours ... and the price ... you have to be joking.
  4. I see a fair few Aurions around the Shellharbour area and surrounding suburbs so I was just wondering if there is any members on here from Illawarra/Wollongong area?
  5. any Illawarra membrs around?

  6. is there any illawarra members around?

  7. Thanks Sanz....because it was only 2 of us with this problem I didn't think we were going to get a solution but we did. Well done Sanz
  8. Ok i have updated my IGO8 mapes from DJ's link on the Auspack unit I have. However, I have one problem that I cannot get around. When I start the Navigator, since i have updated the maps the unit wont pick up my GPS reciever. The only way to get around it is to go to the GPS settings and un tick the GPS enable box, change the BUAD from 9600 to 4800 and it will pick up the reciever straight away. But when i exit the navigator or switch the car off it dooesn't hold those settings and reverts back to the original settings and again wont pick up the reciever. I have searched the SD card for the settings but no luck. I have reseted the user data managment but no go. Anybody else has this problem or has a solution??????????????
  9. I have uploaded the files for all to access. The contents are as follows: iGO8 system files + NAVTEQ 2010Q2 maps (latest) + 3D bulidings and terrain + Text-to-Speech (TTS) The TTS may cause your GPS to lag, so I can't guarantee it. File size is about 524MB because of the 148MB of TTS stuff, but this is a one size fits all package. Just extract the iGO8 folder in the root of the ZIP onto the root of your SD card. Select iGO8.exe as the GPS program and you are all set. Feel free to get them from here: http://djkor.com/external/document/firmware.zip Thank you Daryl for sharing the IGO8 maps works great
  10. Great car, great colour ( i wasn't game to get black) Congrats. ;) Just cant get used to those tail lights (IMO)
  11. Easy, say, one drive like a mad man at 180 Km/h, than brake like a girl to 40 km/h when approaching corners. Another one drive at 80-100 km/h constantly. which one is faster in real life average speed will tell. I actually quite agree with Unique that average speed is useless. I would prefer a digital speedo + analogue (just like the holden one). When comes to speed camera or school zone , this digital speedo really comes into handy. I agree 100%.........(my 2 cents)
  12. I also noticed the heat from the dashboard and that is why I have a dashmat. Doesn't look the greatest but I feel the cabin is not as hot inside.
  13. You've got to go genuine mate...the one on EBAY dont have the chrome on them. They look cheap without the chrome. i paid $166 for mine about a year ago from toyota.
  14. I have the Auspack unit. For the last 2 days while listening to the radio for some unknown reason the radio station changes by itself. If i am listening to any station for eg. 96.5 (which is one of our local stations) it will just move off the frequency to 96.45 all by itself. I change it back it does it one more time then it stays on 96.5, Weird. It's happened evrytime i use the radio..... ANYONE else has that problem????????????????
  15. stands out to much.....looks to much like an add on
  16. These look pretty good, i'd get one if they were in the Inferno colour and as a ZR6
  17. Thats what i was getting at "do not overtake turning vehicle"
  18. S##t, no good. was it a truck and trailer or a small truck? and what part of the truck hit your car?
  19. make sure your not stopping too much air flowing through
  20. good response wildfire no disrespect to you adman ;) , just had to laugh
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