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Posts posted by maca_10

  1. - Yeah i'll say the guys not using the search function is annoying.

    - the fact we have around 125 taxes in this country.

    - more specifically, the fact that on petrol we should not be paying as much as we currently are and that if there is a war going on, it should not affect our prices as our prices are based on Singapore petrol prices. Also we have to pay a federal excise tax of around 38cents per litre on petrol and then get 10% GST. Thats a tax on a tax. How is that fair?

    - the fact that nobody knows what a Corolla Sportivo is. you say corolla sportivo they say oh its a corolla. I get to the point where i just say its a Civic Type R cause its easier.

    thats enough for today

  2. I have owned both cars, an 03 Levin and I currently own the 05 sportivo.

    The 03 levin is great, doesn't have the kick of the sportivo obviously but is still a great car.

    If you do go ahead with buying one the first couple of days are really weird as you kinda regret getting rid of your old car but hit lift a few times and get used to the car because they are slighty different, trust me, you wont regret it.

  3. Hey mate,

    Here on the forums, that search function in the top right hand corner is your best friend.

    Check this out:


    Also, here is a group buy when I bought my CAI:


    Use that function as this question has come up numerous times.

    As I installed a CAI, you can tell which I prefer as I went through the same question.

    Good luck

  4. Hey mate,

    There is a thread on here that actually compares the difference between the sportivo's released. I was lucky as i got mine 2 years ago with 50,000km on it driven to the shops and thats it.

    2003 v 2005 sportivo - different interior trimmings, 2005 gets MP3, all auto down & up windows (maybe 2003 has but im not sure), and 2 compartments in the centre console.

    Redbook also has the 2005 at 1200kgs while the rest are a bit heavier (but can you believe redbook?).

    The best advice I can give is test drive them. Try low speed manuovers, quicker speed cornering and breaking and accelerating (probably best to not do any full ball starts) and off course see if lift actually kicks in. I remember reading back a while that someone bought one and when he tried lift it really didn't work - just make sure engine is warm.

    Can't think of anything more, but just test drive them and see how they feel.

    Good luck with the hunt

  5. Hey, yeah there was some great cars that day unfortunately my photography was kinda bad (actually terrible) but you get the idea.

    As for the photos of the day, I dont really know how to upload them here. I made the facebook page open to everyone and didn't realise you have to log in to view it. I click insert media/image and all it allows me to do is put in an internet site with the pictures on it.

    Can't i upload straight here???

  6. Hey mate, i'm in the same boat as you are. Also want HID's.

    I also read that there are no pre made Projectors for the ZZE's.

    If anyone knows of anyone in the Melbourne area that can make them please let me know.

    I understand you can get the HID's adjusted but projectors would just make the world of difference.


  7. Anything will fit if you believe!

    This part "RD2075P" should fit as its for the Matrix XRS.

    I have the CES CAI on mine & as I have the facelift it required a little cutout of the inner guard.

    This part may require a little bit of working too. Best ask the seller however they may not know anything about our Sportivo's.

  8. $155 was from Bursons in Mitcham, VIC however I believe he was just looking on his system and didn't actually call the supplier of the part. As I said, they don't have any made up yet but if you can find one, please tell.

    However, if they do, it's obviously new and could have been one of the affected ones.

    So maybe start this back up in March/April :D

  9. Sorry for bringing up an old thread but i've recently been searching around for one of these.

    I've rang up a few Bursons and Autobarn's and other places. Prices have been anywhere between $155 and $265 from about 7 different shops.

    I then rang Whiteline who said these are currently under redevelopment as the last batch they made were too short and did not fit properly. Apparently they are changing the machine that makes them so they should fit perfect.

    However, there is now a wait of at least 2 months on them.

    I still want to get one but will now have to wait. Once they are in i'll repost here.

    I also believe that group buy discounts are not really possible and individual's will have to get the part themselves.

    Anyway, $155 sounds pretty good considering Whiteline themselves sell for $252.

  10. Yeah, i gotta agree with eviltwin on that one. The cars aren't exactly comparable. Or at least they are not as comparable as the STi v EVO IMO. Remember the "r" stands for racing. It's effectively a street legal race car whereas a sportivo is a 600km per tank daily that you can have fun with on the weekends. Obviously there are exception to this, SD e.g., but they are both cool cars.

    The four door type r in japan would be a better comparison but still not for the sportivo

  11. Welcome to the forums,

    When I first started looking at this website I went to this section:


    It will tell you everything about the sportivo.

    The DC-2 & Sportivo produce around the same power & torque but the type r weighs less.

    I believe, but dont quote me, that ITR is about 14.5 QT while the sportivo is about 15.something :)

    As for the gear changes, i personally have never had a problem, i reckon because the car's previous owner was a mother who only drove it to the shops never experiencing lift. The whole gear crunching issue has been detailed at length throughout these forums so simply use the search bar.

    Happy hunting

  12. hey, when were u in japan

    I just got back from there about a month ago. I went to Trial Tuning Spirit Co in Osaka and AS Tuning too.

    I have some awesome car pics but cant upload to here.


    you can view them here though.

    I was in Tokyo - akihabara, asakusa, shibuya, harajuku, shinjuku & Osaka too

    Did you find out what Akihabara is famous for?? The 5 storey building's full of various things??

    Hope you had fun

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