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Everything posted by XploShun

  1. YDOIT4... just tell us when u have received the goodies~ :D
  2. she gave me a number only... i want a receipt!!! TAX RETURN DAMN IT!! plz do ask for me!!! the warranty card is in the instruction booklet... but its BLANK.. <_<
  3. another member said the beep noise is normal.... it'll disappear later! well u can get it off them from ebay.. but it will take at least 2 weeks.. 6 days for bidding.. 1 week and all for payment and stuff... they didnt reply my message... ive asked about the warranty and the receipt... no rpely!!
  4. i put the driver's ballast.. BEHIND the right guard (on the left of the fluid wiper)... theres this hole which fits the screw... so i screwed 1 in and used PLENTY of double sided tape to finish the job... i didnt adjust the beam (coz i dont know how... been looking at CHANMAN's post) i guess u dont have to... coz after installing it... the lights didnt actually spread that much further... its just a LOT BRIGHTER.... if u know what i mean... headlights get super hot? i thought HID release less heat than HALO...... check it out later i thought of that as well... DID I GET 6000k!?!?!? the stickers on the BULB says 8k.. but it doesnt mean anything... if i wanna talk to them about it... JUST LIKE GAZZOOM.. i would have to pay postage to get it exchanged and all... hmmmm maybe not.. i'll just keep it! THEIR POSTAGE FEE is $30.... but on the box it says $10!!! $20 profit! the only way to find out.. if mine is 8k or 6k is... RME1!!!! its time for u to take some photos!!!!! need to compare!!!!
  5. dont know how to take photos.. so its bit blurry... y did ppl say.. 6000k is white... i cant see ANY blue in this 8000k... shouldve went for 10000k anyway.. a lot brighter.. but it will be great if i had projectors.. btw.. did ur headlights turn brown? coz mine did.. after using philip bulb.... or is my car getting old?
  6. its done!!! its on the battery... and lets pray it wont blow up again.. wires r facing down... and its connected to the bulbs... at a curve.. should be ok i guess... it touchs the chassis a bit.. anyway.. its sooo bright... i'll take some pictures tonight.. ITS ALL DONE!!! thx for all the help guys...
  7. damn! i cant find it... the metal below the battery is not even flat!!! i got this silver pipe... man!! and infront of the battery.. i got this FAT BLACK TUBE.... i cant fit anything near there.. arrrgh!!!!!
  8. would that be the sound of the HID charging up?it does give a pretty cool sound when u on it.. o really? lucky.. thought i got a faulty ballast... ANYWAY!!! ballast location guys?
  9. man i wish i can work in Nürburgring.......
  10. wt i just saw post.... too bad im at work..... a sunday cruise? its soo damn close to my home....
  11. hahaha.. for the TOCA community... sure :P i'll take a photo at night and put it up its 8000k.... nothing much i can say about these.... i havent even driven the car since its got 1HID and 1HALOGEN.... and... lets hope it doesnt blow... VERY SOON btw.... if the bulb blows up... can i replace it? like buy any bulb to replace it? o yeh!!! theres a BEEEEEEP sound once u switch it on... is it...normal? it gets softer and softer tho... i hope....theres this sound on the other side as well.... its sooo bright.. i cant wait to blind my friend.. muwahahahhahahah
  12. i just installed (HALF) my HID.... its got some BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP sound when i switch it on.......... is it normal?? but it get softer and softer...but still there i switched it on.. without starting the engine of course and also... ive heard a few ppl placed their ballast ON the BATTERY!!! will it be too hot? is there any other place where i can put it on? some of u might know that my battery leaked (blew up) a few months ago... so i think.. puting the ballast there might not be a good idea!! and i already have this RAIZIN voltage crap.... ive only installed the DRIVER's side.. so i need to know how to install the passengers side... thx in advance!!!
  13. where did u guys put the ballast on the passenger's side?
  14. well... i paid last weekend... and they said they will post it during this week (i think they posted it on tuesday).... i received the HID on friday!!! so its pretty fast!!! hahaha of course "she" replied quickly!! the cheapest ive seen was like.. 18x - 190 posted.. the instruction is like.. hmmm... NO PICTURE WHAT SO EVER... BLACK AND WHITE.. and some spelling errors and all in point form...... simple microsoft word i guess.... its in english... not ENJRISH..... but after reading it.. i still dont get it... hmmm but i remember..... from 1 of the FEEDBACKS (in eBay)... he complained that the instruction was in chinese... and "she" replied that theres a english version on the net....ive been trying to ask "her" about this site... waiting for reply... maybe its lil more detailed WHERE DO U PUT THE BALLAST on the PASSENGER's SIDE?
  15. take ur time SB... my account balance is 0 atm.... got other goodies to put on.....
  16. XploShun

    HID kit

    what do u guys mean by.. put it to the lowest level? how do u do it?
  17. hey man!!! if ur getting that one... buy it thru ebay!!! i just got mine from ebay... $198.5 muwahahah received it today!!! but the crappy thing about it...... the instruction booklet is dodgy!!!!! and no receipt (how can i get the warranty) did anyone post up a guide before, about installing HID!? my gf and i need PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOS!!! i dun wanna fuxk up both the halogen and HID... this is the one i got from eBay... negatron showed me the one from firespot.... they r the same seller..... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...N%3AIT&rd=1
  18. dude i thought ur hiding the panel from someone :P o well.. i dun mind... a mini meet... great!! 1st time to see the other rollas from the club.. :)
  19. i dont mind sending them to YDOIT4... but if its toooo far... id rather send it to my own address...
  20. yep, thats what silverbullit told me...
  21. st george debit card... hehehe... put the exact amount inside.... use it as a credit card...
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