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Everything posted by XploShun

  1. I work right there at Nestle along with another Sportivo owner and still haven't been spotted Just reached my 1 year anniversay as a Sportivo owner & can say that this has been the funnest car I have owned nestle ay... i'll check it out later! :P
  2. about ignition X... i went pass the shop 2 days ago...... the shop was empty... damn yeh! pre facelift..... i was gonna buy the jdm one.. but now that i got the h7 HID... i dun wanna change to the headlight... sigh.. i want black head lights!!!!!
  3. sigh! i tried to pay the panel beater to do it..... and they said was........ its a hard job and it might not seal properly.... (thats BS... coz a few here did it) can i pay someone here to do it for me? :P btw... MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone....
  4. thank you SB.. :) btw... are we still posting it to YDOIT4? lol~
  5. SPOTTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SILVER FACE LIFT STIVO!!!! with twin tip muffler... and some shiney rims (was moving... so cant see crap)... concord rd and homebush bay drive INTERSECTION!!!! at 5:30pm??? I think hes from TOC too coz he stared at me..... MAN it was the longest stare i eva on me!! started from concord rd till when hes across the road (homebush bay drive)
  6. any news on this?? do u think u can get it b4 xmas?
  7. i got mine... without any spare key... ANYWAY.. all done by paying $170... thats including an extra key.. without the keyless entry (lock/unlock) crap... that guy told me this.. dont know if its true or not... (i hope its true!!! ) he said... if i copied the original key... i would not able to start up the car.. (ones which only have the metal) he said the one he gave me has a "tiny computer chip" (with a little bit of plastic) which unlocks the immobiliser....... IS THAT TRUE??? i remembered last time when i was in BROADWAY shopping center.. the locksmith had an ad... saying they can copy the toyota key for $100.. and thats including the keyless entry button... he said.. ITS IMPOSSIBLE... coz toyota never released the code... but then he said... PEOPLE CAN CLONE IT THO... <<<<< and thats when i started to think hes lying... ANYWAY... luckily i didnt LOOSE the key.. or else.. TOYOTA will charge me like $2500 (from his word, and other ATOC members) but this guy can do it for $1500....... but i thought toyota never release the codes... <<<< LIAR!!!!!!!!!! but its all good.. i have a spare finally...
  8. i caled a couple.. this guy said he will charge me $88...... FUKFUKFUK!!! i usually dont lock my car when its in the garage.... but my bro drove it.... and locked it when he got back!! sigh.. that stupid auto locking crap!!!!!! about that extra premium... hmmm... i shouldnt done that.. maybe that will be cheaper than $88.. + 1 yr road side assistance..
  9. im with nrma.. but im not with that road side assistant... CRAP!!!!
  10. need help asap!!! can anyone teach me how to open the door with using te fricken key... or maybe a locksmith??!? and i think i left my wallet in the car too!!! FUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how much is that tiny rear window????? im deciding whether i should smash it.. or get a locksmith?
  11. i think you need to tie your girlfriend up when she gets into your car man..the manual is on the apxi website, you can download the PDF. indeed...
  12. man!! im gonna buy that $30 one.. wesfil!!! from no filter to filter!!!
  13. i remember he said he was still selling a couple of months back... but anyway... can they put CF look on our eyelids?? CF bonnet.. TRD grille.. and CF look eyelid... hmmm.. YUUMMMMMMM
  14. did u try this? http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...1&hl=carbon
  15. i thought someone was selling those MADE IN TAIWAN "CF" bonnet on this forum... they r like 6xx b4.... try that.... it'll at least look better than painting it back... imo....
  16. i wish it was real diamonds... i will follow that car...... :P
  17. man.. y do u have to have ur fog lights on as well.. <_< envy u... anyway.. i dunno how to adjust it.. sorry.. mayb mine was giving that much glare too.. o wellz.. hehhee ive tried to contact her... no response.. damn b***h!!!!
  18. interested~~~... maybe after i see YDOIT4's car... :)
  19. hey it is your car!!! yay!!! 1st time i spot a MOVING TOC member!!! saw u on the bridge... then i turned left into MEADOWBANK.. the 1st street to the left after the bridge..
  20. saw a black rolla... with altezza tail lights...white rim (it looks like RAYS, but i dont think so), eyelid..... think its a levin.. with TOC sticker on the side skirt saw him on concord rd ==> church st ==> lane cove rd.. 7.25am... right on the bridge.... saw him braking hard....
  21. she still can give u postive feedback.. even though shes not reg. i got a feedback from other ppl.. and they left me one.. after they're not reg.. but trust me.. she wont give u a feedback!!! ANYWAY!!!!! do u guys know..... if im able to buy other HID bulb to put on my HID?????? can you replace then? do they have the same plugs/connecters? are the ballast the same for 6k,8k,10k etc???? if so.. im gonna buy another 8k or 10k....
  22. hope we can get this done b4 xmas.... dont want parcel gone missing with the xmas cards.....
  23. so... now we got 5 again? if so.. im back in!!!
  24. ya ya!!! pics pics pics!!! ur garage is jus full of letters!!! :P
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