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Everything posted by MT

  1. H - Hillary Duff (rob's favourite) just for u rob... hey, i'd hit that for sure.
  2. Woo King of the Hill.... Ok new game... alphabet thing again... but its gotta follow a theme hmm first theme is... bands... A = ABBA :P
  3. yes thursday is the day before friday
  4. hope your ok buddy.... we all live in a yellow submarine...
  5. haha your such a mum mish
  6. did u ever watch those banana fingers toons? "Toooday.... im going to find.... F-Rance!"
  7. do be do be do wah wah wah, yeah magic
  8. i love Hilary Duff, especially when she is sprung constructing piggy-in-the-middle with John Howard in a gutteral way to evicerate structuralism. haha that makes no sense, but still pretty funny. your so going to die now rob (who is not known as roberto)
  9. and the badger grew wings and... what did u used to say?
  10. I Hate u rob! u are king huzzah! can i suggest a new game to pass the time
  11. E - egg yolks are also yellow
  12. C - cheese is also yellow
  13. A - And around we go again!
  14. Y - you are way to sneeeky and quick rob
  15. V - very very sexy... actually depends what type
  16. T - Traffic pisses me off
  17. P - Peanuts mmm.... but $20 can buy lots of peanuts! Explain how?
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